Residency for art project.
IDENSITAT + Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Huarte
IDENSITAT and CENTRO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO HUARTE calls for the programme Transversals Aesthetics / Ecosystems of Fiction to develop a project within the social context of the towns of Huarte, Burlada and Villava (Navarra). The programme will run between 2019 and 2020.
IDENSITAT and CENTRO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO DE HUARTE offer a residency to an artist or group of artists to develop a project within the social context of the towns of Huarte, Burlada and Villava (Navarra). The project will be carried out within a five-week residency, to be developed between September 2019 and March 2020, to be specified considering the availability of the selected artist or group and the promoting organisations
The call is aimed at artists or groups of artists, with an interest in the proposed social contexts, and in the proposed theme. Applicants must have some fluency in Spanish or Basque.
The selected proposal will be granted 1,500 euros in fees, 900 euros for expenses, and 150 euros for travel aid. Accommodation will be paid by the organisation. A maximum of 1,500 euros will be available for production.
Proposals should be sent in digital format using the specific form, filling in each of the fields, and attached in a single document using PDF format (maximum 8 gigabytes), which must include:
- Proposal / pre-project: a written document defining the basic lines of the project (3-4 pages), indicating a methodology of work which takes into account the elements indicated above.
- A maximum of 10 images of previous work and/or related to the proposal, to facilitate understanding of the project.
- CVs of all project members, specifying one representative in the case of a group application, or an individual CV, in the case of individual application.
- Contact details (name, telephone, e-mail and postal address).
The call will be open until July 21st 2019. The final decision of the call will be made public at the end of July.
SELECTION CRITERIA According to these rules, the selection of projects will be made between Idensitat and Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte
DATES The project will be carried out within a five-week residency, divided in a stay of 1 week, and a later period of 4 weeks’ stay, to be developed between September 2019 and May 2020, to be specified considering the availability of the selected artist or group and the promoting organisations. The spaces available for the presentation of results and the celebration of activities related to the project will be, apart from the Centro Huarte itself, the venues managed by the Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona (Commonwealth of the Pamplona Region): the Batán and the Molino de San Andrés (Atarrabia- Villava ).
TERMS AND CONDITIONS The selected works will be the property of the artist(s). IDENSITAT and Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte as promoters of TRANSVERSAL AESTHETICS - ECOSYSTEMS OF FICTION, may reproduce and distribute, by means of on-line publications or in paper format, the whole or part of the programme, always citing the respective authorships. IDENSITAT and Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte will archive all documentation generated as part of this open call.