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eclectis portada
The publication  A contribution from cultural and creative actors to citizens’ empowerment is the report resulting from the European cultural cooperation project ECLECTIS- European Citizens’ Laboratory for Empowerment: CiTIes Shared which was developed between 2013 and 2014 in the cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Kotor, Ljubljana, Paris and Torres Vedras.

Idensitat has been a co-organiser with • Dédale [Paris|FR], • Waag Society [Amsterdam|NL], • Prostoroz [Ljubljana|SL], • Expeditio [Kotor|ME], • Transforma [Torres Vedras|PT], • Idensitat [Barcelona |ES], • PACT [Paris|FR]
For their part, Idensitat carried out the project Dispositifs-post during the years 2013 and 2014, a programme articulated in several phases in order to reflect upon, imagine, discuss and propose interventions and partnerships which could form a relationship between social space and creative practice. Approaches focused upon a future beyond the scenario conditioned by the decline and the tensions generated by the crisis.

The publication serves a dual purpose: on the one hand, it attempts to communicate and to reflect upon the processes and results of  projects carried out as part of ECLECTIS; and on the other, to influence public policy at local and European level.

The objectives of the publication are:
●    To share experiences with all partners involved in those processes which were started on the basis of projects.
●    To strengthen the link between citizen action networks and cultural agents and institutions dealing with urban construction.
●    To advocate for the active role of the above bodies in front of public policy makers at national and local level, as well as European.
●    To advance new narratives at the European Union level, in order to help in promoting the role of the cultural industries within European policies.
The publication includes descriptions of the activities in each city, policy recommendations and a series of critical texts by authors such as Marie-Hélène Bacqué, Aidan Cerar, Diana Coelho, Barbara Holub, Maria Kalsta, Michiel de Lange, The mobile city, Rui Matoso, Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat, Paul Rajakovics, Recreantes Cruïlles, Cindy Regalado, Joan Subirats, Zala Velkavrh, Jeffrey Warren.

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ECLECTIS - Project presentation
The scope of ECLECTIS

Sharing experiences...
- Dispositius Post - Artistic practices and citizen action networks in post-crisis contexts - Idensitat (ES)
- Focus: European networks to create common goods - PACT
- Mobilising citizens durably through a participatory event: PARK(ing) DAY 2014 - Dédale (FR)
- Focus: Citizen involvement and political public spaces
- “Want to regenerate a place? Focus on the people!” The story of Park Tabor - ProstoRož (SL)
- Focus: Whose right to the city?
- Smart citizens – DIY tools and creative practices for citizen engagement and education - Waag Society (NL)
- Playful planning: citizens making the smart and social city - Michiel de Lange
- Focus: New technologies, new possibilities - PACT
- Citizenship as cultural empowerment process - Transforma (PT)
- Focus: Possibility for alternatives - PACT
- From participation to empowerment - Expeditio (ME)
- Focus: Common ground in changing times - PACT
- Focus: Reinventing the commons - PACT

... To highlight common views
- Transnational cooperation: a lever for professionals’ empowerment
- The potential of the cultural and creative sector in fostering citizens’ empowerment
- What can be some common principles when working on empowerment?

Political recommendations
- Creating the conditions for citizens’ empowerment through cultural and creative means

Putting in perspectives
- “Do It Yourself Science: an empowering practice” - Jeffrey Warren & Cindy Regalado
- “How Art & Cultural diversity empower citizens: two Athenian initiatives” - Maria Kaltsa
- “Paradise Enterprise, Judenburg, 2013–2014” - Barbara Holub & Paul Rajakovics
- “Public space, common space” - Joan Subirats
- “From the Institutional Practices to the Tactical Media - Ways of participating in the public realm” - Rui Matoso
- “A definition of empowerment” - Marie-Hélène Bacqué
- “Democracy “of the commons”, democracy “of the common”” - Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat


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ECLECTIS - Project presentation
The scope of ECLECTIS

Sharing experiences...
- Dispositius Post - Artistic practices and citizen action networks in post-crisis contexts - Idensitat (ES)
- Focus: European networks to create common goods - PACT
- Mobilising citizens durably through a participatory event: PARK(ing) DAY 2014 - Dédale (FR)
- Focus: Citizen involvement and political public spaces
- “Want to regenerate a place? Focus on the people!” The story of Park Tabor - ProstoRož (SL)
- Focus: Whose right to the city?
- Smart citizens – DIY tools and creative practices for citizen engagement and education - Waag Society (NL)
- Playful planning: citizens making the smart and social city - Michiel de Lange
- Focus: New technologies, new possibilities - PACT
- Citizenship as cultural empowerment process - Transforma (PT)
- Focus: Possibility for alternatives - PACT
- From participation to empowerment - Expeditio (ME)
- Focus: Common ground in changing times - PACT
- Focus: Reinventing the commons - PACT

... To highlight common views
- Transnational cooperation: a lever for professionals’ empowerment
- The potential of the cultural and creative sector in fostering citizens’ empowerment
- What can be some common principles when working on empowerment?

Political recommendations
- Creating the conditions for citizens’ empowerment through cultural and creative means

Putting in perspectives
- “Do It Yourself Science: an empowering practice” - Jeffrey Warren & Cindy Regalado
- “How Art & Cultural diversity empower citizens: two Athenian initiatives” - Maria Kaltsa
- “Paradise Enterprise, Judenburg, 2013–2014” - Barbara Holub & Paul Rajakovics
- “Public space, common space” - Joan Subirats
- “From the Institutional Practices to the Tactical Media - Ways of participating in the public realm” - Rui Matoso
- “A definition of empowerment” - Marie-Hélène Bacqué
- “Democracy “of the commons”, democracy “of the common”” - Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat