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Sit Manresa: Territorial Interpretation Service. SiteSize, Idensitat 2008

SIT Manresa, is a project realized by SiteSize included in Idensitat #3. This publication have as starting point this work developed in Manresa during 2007.

The texts included add collaborations and "synergies"of people specialized in subjects which offer to cultural and artistic work on the territory an involved partner: geography, landscaping, participative citizenship, knowledge and cultural management,education...sharing each of them the urge of working in a coordinated commitemment to rebuild social and cultural issues.

The SIT (Territorial Interpretation Service) offers a platform for production and exchange of local land knowledge, with the purpose of evaluating the present and future transformation of the territory. A public and collective audit, which must link necessarily with the planning of the territory and the social cohesion.
Authors: Francesc Muñoz, Joan Nogué, Itziar González, Xavier Oliveras, Montse Romaní, Montserrat Cortadellas, Javier Rodrigo, Iván Orellana, Ramon Parramon & Sitesize. WIth the sponsorship of: Ajuntament de Manresa, Departament de Cultura i mitjans de comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Fundació Banc Sabadell, Fundació Territori i Paisatge &Observatori del Paisatge.

SIT Manresa. Sitesize. 2008