Idensitat / Calaf - Manrsea 05. Projects, Idensitat 2006
This publication, published in April 2006, summarizes the different projects included in IDENSITAT # 3. Community space, interaction, identity, communication, confrontation, participation, conflict... are elements that, linked to social and cultural factors of the place, become activating instruments to project and intervene in the public space from the field of creation.
IDENSITAT#3 2005-2006
Director: Ramon Parramon | Coordination: Oriol Fontdevila
Selection committee: Jorge Díez , director of Madrid Abierto | Núria Enguita , projects manager at Fundació Antoni Tàpies | Pilar Parcerisas , curator and art critic | Ramon Parramon , Idenitat's director Idensitat | Bartolomeo Pietromarchi , Secretary General for the Fondazione Olivetti | Octavi Rofes , anthropologist
Technical coordination: Montserrat Closa , cultural officer Ajuntament de Calaf | Maria Camp , Ajuntament de Manresa | Francesc Vilà , Ajuntament de Manresa
Press Núria Gregori | Production design and graphics Francesc Vidal
Exhibitions: MODO , Enric Carreras, Pedro Coelho
ODA Exhibition touring , Oficina de Difusió Artística de la Diputació de Barcelona
Vídeo: Horaci García | Pedro Coelho | Web : Art Infogràfic
Production and technical assistance: David Armengol | Cristina Cots | Meritxell Trullàs
Educational programme: M.ª Alba Puigpelat , IES Alexandre de Riquer de Calaf | Joan Morros , IES Guillem Catà | Jaume Mases , maquetista y vecino de Calaf | Col·lectiu Estràbic
Debate sessions participants “En procés”. October 2005:
Ramon Parramon , Idensitat's Director| Josep Oliveras , professor of Análisis de Geografía Regional de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili | Jaume Mas , historian and archivist at Ajuntament de Calaf | Pilar Parcerisas ,curator and art critic | Montserrat Cortadellas , artist | M.ª Alba Puigpelat , directora of IES Alexandre Riquer de Calaf | AAABIERTA [Asociación Aula Abierta]. | Víctor Borrego , Vice-dean of Cultura y Alumnos at Facultad de Bellas Artes de Granada | Antonio Collados , projects coordinator for AAABIERTA | Joan Roca , geographer | Espacio Tangente . Álvaro Alonso de Armiño , Belin Castro y Sergio Corral multimedia artists, members of Espacio Tangente and urban forum Arte y Territorio de Burgos | Pilar Echevarría M , architect | Joan Morros , sociocultural worker | Antonio Torrico ,former president for the residents associations of Torre Baró y de Ciutat Meridiana | Ramon Canal , political scientist | Cecile Bourne-Farrel ,freelance curator | David Closes , architect and responsable for the Servicio de Proyectos Urbanos del Ajuntament de Manresa | Francesc Muñoz , professor of Urban Geography at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Octavi Rofes , anthropologist | Manuel Delgado , Anthropology professor at Universitat de Barcelona | Martí Peran , Art theory professor at Universitat de Barcelona. Freelance curator.