Public Art Calaf, Idensitat 1999-2000
This publication shows the works developed during the first edition of IDENSITAT called Calaf Public Art, event that took place between 1999 and 2000. The project came into being in response to the idea of promoting interventions in public space with particular emphasis on the working process and the incorporation of aspects of reflection and debate.
All of these aspects were addressed with the same close attention from the outset. The way in which public space was approached was not so much as a common physical space, but as a asocial , ideological space. The space generated by the place on the basis of human interaction, confrontation an consensus, identification with the place an otherness, ideology, participation, the local community and the production of meaning in the context of the global, along with other topics which were dealt with from the viewpoint of representation or action linked to the public space.
This publication features the projects conceived in the town of Calaf in July 1999, three of which were carried out and presented publicly in may 2000. Also the dynamic generated by the touring exhibition has sparked off new moments of reflection and debate which are related in other publications: La Capella 2000. Catàleg de la temporada d’exposicions. Institut de Cultura. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2001 and Arte Público Calaf 99/00. Instituto de la Juventud. Madrid, 2001
Asociación Calaf Art Públic // Ajuntament de Calaf
Concept & management
Ramon Parramon
Selection committee Calaf Art Públic '99
Sergi aguilar, escultor, president of l'Associació d'Artistes Visuals de Catalunya. Xavier Costa, Architect, professor at Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya Jorge Luis Marzo, private researcher
Production assistant
Eduard Roigé
Exhibition dessign
Nuria parés // Vicenç Mas
Asistente administrativo Montserrat Closa
Eduard Roigé // Montserrat Cortadellas
De las obras: autores respectivos Web Oscar X Gomez
Sponsored by: Ayuntamiento de Calaf // Diputación de Barcelona // Generalitat de Catalunya // Departament de cultura // Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Dirección General de Bellas Artes
Selected projectes
Eva Brunner-Szabo Gert Tschögl // Jordi Martorell // Francesc VIdal
Other participant artists
Atsuko Arai // Laura Calvi Michel Fernandes // Jose M Garcia Alberto Lomas // Gemma Graells Ana Sabina // Gemma Nogueroles // Lluis Torrens //
Talks and debates
Xavier Costa // José Ballesteros // Jordi Claramonte // Marcelo Expósito // Jorge lUis Marzo // Ramon Parramon