Art, Experiences and Territories in Process. Idensitat, 2008
Constitutes an expanded vision of the creative activity that intervenes in territory. It suggests a revision of the public space examined from a postdisciplinary perspective.
The book combines the presentation of specific projects realized in different cities and reflections of artists, thinkers, activists, educators, architects, geographers and cultural managers. The different chapters underline the topics of interest that have been outlined in the previous editions of IDENSITAT.
ART/TERRITORY. Explorations and experiments in territory. Different reflections on artistic practices in which the place or the context of action are determining factors for the development of work methodologies.
Ramon Parramon. Art, experience and territories in process.
Octavi Rofes. How public is public art?
Pilar Parcerisas. Art and context.
Josep Maria Montaner. More Idensitat. For a new urban culture.
Jorge Díez. Madrid Abierto
Tania Ragasol. In_Site 05. What`s on the other side?
LOCAL/ULTRALOCAL. Territories in process. Questions related to landscape, a product of the transformation and expansion of cities. Changes that are reproduced identically in small or intermediate cities and occur in aspects that are of local character.
Francesc Muñoz. Interior Catalonya, Catalonya disperses landscapes of proximity.
Sitesize. S.I.T. Manresa
David Closes. Territory: Spaces of identification, public spaces?
Martí Peran. After architecture
AWP. Catalana- Troll Alternative forms of circulating and living the night.
Josep Oliveras. The variability of the landscape.
Jaume Mas. Calaf, a historic legacy to understand the present.
Erika Arzt/ Juan Linares. Nucli Antic
Oriol Vilanova, Ramon Ruaix, Íngrid Sala. Hotel Pere III
Lucky Kitchen. Notes on Detroit
Muntadas. Sevilla 2008. A Project in process.
ACTIVISM/TRANSFORMATION. Social space. The transformation of the urban context through mobilized action and determination of those who inhabit it. The public space as a product of tension between the conflict and the negotiation in relation to cultural production.
Javier Rodrigo. From intervention to re-articulation: Collaborative work through cultural policies.
Ramon Canal. An approximation of social changes in today`s Manresa.
Joan Morros. Civic participation, from bottom to top.
Antonio Torrico. Association life in the districts.
Cécile Bourne-Farrell. A look at art: capability or incapability of the contemporary culture in instigating in social aspects.
2A+P. Ground Specific
Manuel Delgado, Gerard Horta. Ariadna Pi and the forgetting.
Belín Castro. Espacio Tangente
ART/PEDAGOGY. Educational action. One way of making changes in the social space meets with the intersection of creative experiences with educational projects.
Joan Roca i Albert. Appropriating the City. Personal, Urban and Political Representations.
Estràbic. The collective work of the Morphing Calaf project.
M. Alba Puigpelat. Educate beyond the school.
Montserrat Cortadellas. Environment and collective identity through strategies of information and apprehension.
Víctor Viña. The city of children.
Víctor Borrego, Antonio Collados. AAABIERTA Selfteaching and University. An experience of autoconstruction in the University of Granada.
ISBN 9-788461-204755
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