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Pleased to Meet You. Photo album of Calaf Nicolás Dumit Estévez. 2007

This publication presents the material compiled during Nicolás Dumit Estévez`s "Pleased to meet you". The project constitutes a synthesis that goes beyond mere documentation of the process.

It displays the experience that Nicolás Dumit Estévez lived in Calaf, where he stayed from February till April 2007, in order to get to know the maximum possible number of its inhabitants. Over the course of this interactive process, he looked at different ways of setting up dynamic relationships between a visitor and local residents to try and gradually move beyond his status of a visitor and simply become another citizen. Normal 0 21 The success of this project lies in the capability of gaining the genuine trust of approximately 3500 residents of the village, thus diluting its presence in their quotidian. The product of this relationship is a visual object of 312 pages and around 1000 pictures. The publication is a visual synthesis that includes an essay by the artist, in which he reflects about how all this process developed and how it fits in the artistic context in which he works.


Nicolás Dumit Estévez is a multidisciplinary artist who has developed and exposed his work in the United States of America. He has received different grants and prizes among which count the research and residency program PS1 / MOMA, the Lambert Fellowhip Program of Tides Foundation, the Michael Richards Fund, a program of Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, and the Franklin Furnace Foundation that promotes contemporary art related to performance.

Author: Nicolás Dumit Estévez
Title: Pleased to meet you. Àlbum de Fotos de Calaf
Edited by IDENSITAT Publicacions - Ajuntament de Calaf
Pages: 312
ISBN: 978-84-611-8902-1

IDENSITAT Management: Ramon Parramon
IDENSITAT Coordination: Oriol Fontdevila
Edition coordinator LLorenç Bonet
Design Rui Oliveira
Spanish translation Alanna Lockward
Catalan translation Eulàlia Busquets
Spanish and Catalan correction Eduard Escoffet

Pleased to Meet You. Àlbum de fotos de Calaf. Nicolás Dumit Estévez. 2007