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NEXES, 2018

VEUS / Voices, a video by IDENSITAT, as part of the NEXES project, 2018

Participants: Cristina Montenys, Alejandra López, Eric Lopez, Virginia Cierco, Rubén Toro, Fátima Hassoun, Carlota López, Álex Soteras, residents and social workers from social services in the districts of Baró de Viver, Trinitat Vella, Bon Pastor and La Sagrera. 


CURRICULUM VITAE, a project by Núria Güell and Levi Orta with Asociación de Jóvenes Estudiantes Gitanos del Buen Pastor "Rromane Siklyovne"(Association of Young Roma Students)  part of NEXES 2018. 

OUR DISTRICTE, a project by Fito Conesa with Espai Jove Garcilaso, from a workshop on creating an Instagram account dedicated to the spaces and transformations in the district of La Sagrera . 2018