Artistic research projects with hybrid processes and virtual outcomes.
Natalia Domínguez; rubiasirisueñas (Iris Verge and Sandra López Parra)
Art Territory Data generates a framework for reflection and research about the idea of alternateterritories, in reference to places, media, and the positioning of artistic practice.
This framework answers the need to promote the understanding of visual culture, and the exchange of knowledge from plural spaces of action and delocalised or transperipheral spaces, which help expand the action and dissemination of cultural content beyond traditional circuits. It also responds to the variety of ways of attending and understanding the nuances of place, territory, or territorial context; placing the care of the people involved in the centre of cultural processes, and observing the need for multiple options of scale, identity, space, and time.
Art Territori Data originates from the network built between four organisations operating in the cities of Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, and Toulouse. This network, which began its collaboration in 2019 (with the involvement of Idensitat, La Escocesa, Casa Planas, and BBB Centro de Arte), has organised various activities in recent years, and has collaborated with various organisations which form part of the each centre’s citizen networks; also with academic programmes such as the University of Barcelona`s IMARTE research group.
The methodology applied to research and production is modelled on the residency format, with a working process which will be mediated by Idensitat, but without the mobility that characterises many residencies. On this occasion, networking and remote work will be promoted from alternate territories, such as virtual, becoming a unified axis for shared research and artistic production.
For this programme, following the reflections which arose in the predecessor project DIES with the Laboratorio de Convocatorias Cuidadas (2021), an alternative to the open call for submission has been chosen, when selecting the projects for this framework. This time, we have invited two projects which were shortlisted in two previous open calls for Transversal Aesthetics of 2023: En el Aire (Huarte and Barcelona), and Activat- Reactivat (Valencia, Alicante and Benicarló).
With the action of recovering two projects designed for a specific call, and re-envisioning them for adaptation to another more versatile programme, we wish to highlight the work involved in submitting to a call, acknowledging that often, powerful projects are left out due to lack of resources, while containing the potential for adaptation to other formats.This is the reason why the projects “Cómo se condensa el vapor de agua” by Natalia Dominguez, and “S3x3territori” by Iris Verge Ferrer and Sandra López, will be carried out as part of Art Territori Data.
Aware of the above projects from their past participation in open calls for submissions, Idensitat has invited them due to their pertinence to the ATD programme lines of research. With this invitation, Idensitat focuses on sustainability, and honours the effort involved in the open calls for submissions, both for the artists who develop their projects, and for the juries who carry out the readings and evaluations.
“Cómo se condensa el vapor de agua”("How water vapour condenses"), by Natalia Dominguez
The project is based on the respiratory system, and the different uses, transformations, and transfers of water vapour within urban and industrial environments.
Generating a symbiotic relationship between body and machine --in which industry transforms water and steam into resources, in a similar way to the human body– this project uses the voice and the oral transmission of knowledge as poetic and speculative tools for questioning interrelationships within the urban context, and the narratives produced by the constant transformation of natural resources into quantifiable, productive, and consumable materials.
Natalia Domínguez has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Granada, has studied at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten at Tilburg (Holland), and holds a Master's degree in Artistic Research and Production from the Universidad Politécnica of Valencia. Her solo exhibitions include Abrir la boca bien grande, cerrar el puño bien fuerte (Fundación Arranz Bravo, 2023) and Una forma incontrolable (Instituto de América - Centro Damián Bayón, 2022). She has participated in numerous group shows, including Quan ja no ens escalfa el sol at La Capella (Barcelona, 2023), Nature is ancient, but surprises us all at CENTRUM (Berlin, 2023), PANORAMA#6 at Galería Fran Reus (Palma de Mallorca, 2023), SWAB Ephemeral 2022, ARCO'22, Neighbours IV at CAAC (Málaga, 2021), Como la vida misma at Blueproject Foundation (Barcelona, 2021) and Estampa'21.
S3x3territori by Iris Verge and Sandra López Parra
S3x3x3territory takes us back to the 2000s by re-reading their intimate teenage diaries. "We problematise the intersection between a raw, complex, and forced sexual awakening, and belonging to a geographical and class periphery. Memory as a wound, and escape as a defence against conservatism and abuse'.
Sandra López Parra is a graphic designer and photographer. A graduate in Graphic Design from the EASD in Valencia, she has been part of the team at Espais Avan, Signo Comunicación (2017), and at the LeSoleil studio (2021). She has also been working as a freelance designer. Her photographs have been exhibited at the Imaginaria Festival, Konvent 0, and Secció d'Art de Riudoms.
Iris Verge is a visual artist and cultural manager, with a degree in Communication and Cultural Industries from the University of Barcelona. She works on issues of artistic mediation and curating, and is interested in collective and participatory approaches to work. In 2020 she co-founded Cúmul, with which was selected for Idensitat's Community-Immunity residency. In 2022, she co-created BORD, a collective selected for the Sala d'Art Jove Curatorship Grant in Barcelona. In 2023, she was selected for the Utopia-Rambles project, promoted by the Centre d'Art Santa Mònica, and the ART RES artist residency in Vilafamés. She is currently the Head of Artistic Mediation at La Capsa, a centre dedicated to supporting creation in the Performing Arts.
Together they are rubiasyrisueñas: a duo of two very close friends who have a great time subverting the typical hegemonic discourses of rural and peripheral spaces where the ultra-right reigns.