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 ("How water vapour condenses")
Workshop dates: January 26th-27th-29th, 2024

Hours: Friday and Monday 5 p.m.-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
Venue: Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats. C/ de Sant Adrià, 20, Barcelona.

As part of the Art Territory Data (ATD) programme, a workshop by artist Natalia Domínguez on her project "How water vapour condenses".

Cómo se condensa el vapor de agua is based on the respiratory system, and the different uses, transformations, and transfers of water vapour within urban and industrial environments.
Generating a symbiotic relationship between body and machine --in which industry transforms water and steam into resources, in a similar way to the human body– this project uses the voice and the oral transmission of knowledge as poetic and speculative tools for questioning interrelationships within the urban context, and the narratives produced by the constant transformation of natural resources into quantifiable, productive, and consumable materials.

The workshop is led by artist Natàlia Domínguez who, after sharing and discussing with participants her own inspirations (videos, recorded performances, texts),  and her own previous projects and experiments, engages the group in a series of collective seeing and breathing exercises. In these exercises, participants use their bodies, while also making use of a variety of external elements such as water, containers, and glass. These exercises unfold over long periods of time, with each of the nine participants being individually recorded by a microphone, which is amplified live in the same room through a system of loudspeakers. Participants’ personal experiences are shared with the group after each exercise; then, the next experiments are decided, allowing participants to suggest new exercises coming from different fields such as performance art, sound art, theatre, music, and the spoken word.

All the sessions took place in a rehearsal space at the Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats, equipped with an amplification and sound recording system. In addition, the processes were documented through photographs, sound recordings, and videos. The results of the workshop will form part of the project's future website.

Who is it aimed at?

The workshop is aimed at artists, musicians, performers, students in these disciplines or, to anyone interested in voice, listening, and physical experimentation.



Art Territori Data generates a framework for reflection and research about the idea of alternate-territories, in reference to places, media, and the positioning of artistic practice. This framework answers the need to promote the understanding of visual culture, and the exchange of knowledge from plural spaces of action and delocalised or transperipheral spaces, which help expand the action and dissemination of cultural content beyond traditional circuits.

NATALIA DOMÍNGUEZ. Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Granada, she has completed studies at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg (Holland), and a Master's degree in Artistic Research and Production from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.