Laboratory of ideas for mindful open calls
Workshop 10th, 15th, 24th November 2021
Idensitat + La Escocesa + Eurorregió Pirineus Mediterrània
A workshop to consider, design and collectively create models for open calls and artistic residencies, models that respect the application process as a form of artistic production, capable of generating a more collective and less competitive selection process.
Organised by Luna Acosta, Paula Bruna, Natalia Carminati and Rosa Lendinez within the framework of DIES, Devices of Artistic Activation and Digital Spaces.
During the month of October, a questionnaire is available for the collection of data and opinions on open calls. The responses of this survey will be analysed in the three sessions of the workshop working group.
If you are interested in participating, please write to:
- MEETING 1. Wednesday 10/11/2021 from 6 p.m to 7.30 p.m. Presentation of the working group. Analysis of the data collected by the survey. Sharing situated experiences.
- MEETING 2. Monday 15/11/2021 from 6 p.m to 7.30 p.m. Presentation of the project Descentrar la mirada para ampliar la visión. Criterios de inclusividad en el sector de las artes y la cultura (Decentring the gaze to broaden the vision, Inclusiveness criteria in the arts and culture sector) by Lucía Egaña
* For these sessions, artist Thilleli Rahmoun will translate into French.
A workshop within the framework of DIES, a digital and face-to-face hybrid device which gathers together the experience acquired during the Arte ⇆ Territorio network residency programme, and the congress ADD + ART ART AND SOCIAL SPACES IN CONTROLLED, UNCONTROLED AND ISOLATED
TIMES. Promoted by Idensitat, Casa Planas, Le BBB Center d'Art, La Escocesa and Universitat de Barcelona
(IMARTE Research Group) through the in> tra2 research project. (2020-2021). With the support of
Euroregión Pirineos Mediterranea.