13/11/19 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Venue: Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació de Barcelona
On the theme of ASYMMETRIES / CITY, THIRD SPACE AND CONTEMPORARY INEQUALITIES, we present an open session during which we will explore some of the consequences arising from inequality, lack of equality, vulnerability or reified precariousness, using a variety of fields and disciplines, through relationships of mutual affectation established among constructed spaces, social spaces, spaces of memory, and spaces of experience which converge in cities, asymmetries structured between spaces and their habitability. Prior to this session, within the framework of Espai E and as a research residence and process seedbed, a working group was set up which, through regular meetings, have shaped specific projects and approaches, woven between individual contributions and reflections and the collective journey.
Participating in the session are: Fina Birulés (philosopher), Fadilha Mammar (cultural mediator), Josep Bohigas (architect), PSJM (team of creation, theory and artistic management formed by Cynthia Viera and Pablo San José) and the group that formed part of the research residence - process seedbed, comprising Patricia Bagán, Ro Caminal, Fiona Capdevila, Mia Coll, Tània Costa, Irma Estrada, Sonia G. Villar, Daniel Gasol, Nil Juan, Irene Pérez, Amparo Prieto , Mayra Sánchez, Manuela Valtchanova, and Idensitat (Irati Irulegui, Azucena López, Gaspar Maza, Ramon Parramon).
+ info about Espai E / Asymmetries
10.00 am Welcome and presentation. Ramon Parramon (Idensitat), Gerard Vilar (MURAD - UAB), Joana Hurtado (Directora de Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació i Centre d'art)
10.15 am Fina Birulés. Political action, gender and the contemporary city. Presented by Tània Costa.
11.15 am Josep Bohigas. Constructed city - inhabited city. Presented by Ramon Parramon
12.15 pm Break
12.30 pm Fadilha Mammar. Mediation and asymmetric contexts. Presented by Gaspar Maza
1.15 pm Discussion between the speakers: Fina Birulés, Josep Bohigas, Fadhila Mammar with the research group and process nursery Espai E / Asymmetries.
2.15 pm Lunch break
4:00 p.m. PSJM (Cynthia Viera and Pablo San José). Artistic action and neighbourhood contexts. Presented by Ramon Parramon.
5.00 pm Members of Espai E / Asymmetries, presentation of projects. (Patricia Bagán, Ro Caminal, Fiona Capdevila, Mia Coll, Irma Estrada, Sonia G. Villar, Daniel Gasol, Nil Joan, Irene Pérez, Amparo Prieto, Manuela Valtchanova)
6:00 pm Debate between PSJM, members of Espai E / Asymmetries, participants in the process of formation of Espai E and Idensitat.
7 pm Closing and party.
Attendees during the day must pre-register using the form. Places limited by capacity of venue.
A certificate of attendance will be issued.
1. PSJM // 2. Josep Bohigues
Fina Birulés is a lecturer of philosophy at the University of Barcelona, where she directs the course on "Philosophy and gender -ADHUC". Her research has focused on contemporary philosophy, with special attention to Hannah Arendt's work and contemporary feminist theory. She is the author of numerous essays and editor of various collective volumes. Her publications include:Una herencia sin testamento: Hannah Arendt (2007), Entre actes. Entorn del pensament la política i el feminisme (2014), Feminismo, una revolución sin moldelo (2018)
Fadhila Mammar is a bachelor in Spanish Philology from the University of Grenoble (France) and Tunisia, a master's degree in Migration, Shelter and Inter-Community Relations. She is a mediator, and an expert in Intercultural Mediation. She is a founding member of the board of the University Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Social Development (IMEDES) of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. Founding member of the Presencia Argelina, a cultural association in Madrid. Member of the Professional Association of Intercultural Mediators of Spain and a member of the Madrid Platform for Peace in Palestine and Israel.
Josep Bohigas is the director of the strategic planning agency of Barcelona Regional and co-director of the BOPBAA architecture studio, with which he has carried out the expansion of the Thyssen Museum in Madrid, the Forum housing development and the El Molino theatre in Barcelona, among others. He has won three FAD awards and three City of Barcelona awards. He has also been curator of cultural activism programmes such as Arquitectos de Cabecera 2014 and Piso Piloto 2015, for research into new solutions to the housing problem.
PSJM present themselves as an "art brand", thus appropriating the procedures and strategies of advanced capitalism to subvert its symbolic structures. Their works are present in numerous international exhibitions such as Personal Structures in the context of the 58th Venice Biennale (2019), Beyond the Tropics, in the context of the 56th Venice Biennale (2015), Hic et Nunc, Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C. (2014), One Shot !, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, São Paulo (2014), Off Street, A Foundation, London (2009), The Real Royal Trip… by the Arts, PS1-MOMA, New York (2003, in collaboration with El Perro and Aitor Méndez), and others in the national scene such as Prophetia, Fundación Miró, Barcelona (2015) or PIGS, Artium, Vitoria (2016).
Projects as part of the research residence and process seedbed
1-2 Idensitat / 3- Amparo Prieto / 4- Daniel Gasol
5- Irma Estrada / 6- Manuela Valtchanova / 7- Mia Coll / 8- Fiona Capdevila
9- Sonia G. Villar / 10- Nil Joan / 11- Gaspar Maza - Patricia Bagán - Ramon Parramon / 12- Irene Pérez
The open session ASYMETRIES | CITY, THIRD SPACE AND CONTEMPORARY INEQUALITIES is organised by Idensitat in collaboration with Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació, and the Master's Degree in Art and Design Research at EINA - UAB, with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya Department of Culture and the research programme MICU PGC2018-093502-B-100 "Investigación Artística y Pensamiento Estético. Un punto de encuentro entre la filosofía, el arte y el diseño", IP. Gerard Vilar - UAB.
The guest programme is coordinated by Tania Costa, Gaspar Maza and Ramon Parramon.