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Nosymmetries Barcelona Symposium

Open Call for artistic research projects to participate in the NOSYMMETRIES Public Seminar.
Deadline 16.09.2024

The NOSYMMETRIES Public Seminar seeks artistic research projects, or multidisciplinary research projects, in a shared exploration of the intersections between concepts related to social inequalities, the violence articulated around these inequalities, the need for care to be institutionalise, or the fears engendered by contemporary neoliberalism with regard to identity, gender, race, or migration. The aim is to focus upon concepts related to critical imagination and social creativity, from a variety of perspectives which expand artistic and cultural practices, linked to themes such as social justice and care ecologies

We understand the connection between critical imagination and social creativity as a collective process, gathering ideas beyond visions of a future in a permanent state of collapse, in which culture and politics, art and activism find ways of mutual recognition, based upon interconnection, conflict, fusion, or even mutual disavowal. In this vein, critical imagination and social creativity refer to activities resulting from a combination of individual and collective responsibilities within the framework of what may be understood as an ecology of care. 

Acknowledging the challenges of our shared dependence along with our differences, and recognising our needs both to give and to receive care, enable us to confront our shared fears of human frailty, rather than project them onto those whom we label as ‘dependent’ (Care Collective, 2020). The idea of imagining a future based upon this shared vulnerability within the framework of a capitalist system founded upon social asymmetry, leads us to think that equality, as a goal, may be replaced by the concept of equity. Equality is constructed from the perspective of comparison, while equity refers to what one is entitled to or deserves, the latter being more related to social justice. "Debunking the myth of equality and equity in the cultural and academic spheres, it is crucial to address prevailing racism, misogyny, ableism, transphobia, and homophobia" (Racco, 2024, 56).

The first phase of Nosymmetries was as a residency project. During the process of this residency, concepts such as dissidence, dispute, violence, participation, construction of the common, invisibility, institutional care, exclusion, or extractivism, emerged as vital for creating an awareness of the diversity and complexity of social reality. With this open seminar, we wish to add together, to share  and to discuss perspectives which contribute to the interconnection of critical imagination (or critical research) with social creativity, as an alternative to a neoliberal future full of fear, whose proposals lead to intensifying totalitarianisms (Butler, 2024).

The research projects selected in this open call will take part in the Nosymmetries Open Seminar, to be held on the 17th and 18th of October, when the above concepts will be explored and expanded upon within a programme which includes debates, an exhibition, presentations of projects, and performative activities.

This call for projects and research invites you to engage with a single, yet deep question: How do we navigate the complexities of inequality, the institutionalization of care, the politics of fear, or dissidences? If you’re interested in contributing and sharing ideas on any of these issues, we encourage your participation.

This Open Call to participate in the Public Seminar is jointly organised by Idensitat and the Investigación Arte, Ciencia y Tecnología IMARTE research group from the University of Barcelona. Selected projects will be presented on October between 17th and 18th. Each selected project will have 10 minutes’ presentation, followed by an open debate. The final programme will be made public in September, and will include  Xeito Fole, Andrea Corrales, iki yos piña narváez funes, Cacao Díaz, BajoRufián, Gabriella Kiss, Linda Porn, Vera Rodríguez, Centre for New Media and Feminist Public Practices, Lucía Egaña, Giuliana Racco, Tjasa Kancler, Basha Changue.

The NOSYMMETRIES BARCELONA SYMPOSIUM programme will take place on October 17th and 18th at Centre d'Art La Capella. C. Hospital, 56. 08001 Barcelona. Supported by La Capella, IMARTE, Creative Europe, and Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura.

- Care Collective (2020). The Care Manifiesto. Verso.
- Egaña, L.; Racco, G. (2024). La Cultura no es una autopista, los museos podrían ser jardines. Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica - Plataforma Assembleària d'Artistes de Catalunya (PAAC).
-Butler, J. (2024). ¿Quién teme al género?. Paidós.


We encourage the submission of original and unpublished papers to form part of the programme  of presentations to take place in Barcelona at the Centre d’ Art La Capella on October 17th and 18th, 2024.


The final date for receiving papers will be 11.59 p.m. on September 16th, 2024. 


E-mail address
Abstract (maximum 350 words)
Key words
Short CV (150 words)

Proposals will be selected by means of a blind peer review. For this selection, the organisation will send the title, abstract and keywords to the selection committee, in order to maintain the anonymity of the authorship.

Access to the proposal submission form 

Contributors will receive certificates of participation, and their abstract will be included in the digital publication with ISBN edited by the organisation, which will be accessible from the respective organisers websites (;; Selected projects will receive a fee of 120 euros (taxes included) for their participation in the open seminar.

The scientific selection committee is led by members of Idensitat and the IMARTE research group of the University of Barcelona. The committee also includes members of G&A Mamidakis, State of Concept (Athens), and WHW (Zagreb),  organisations involved in the Care Ecologies project (2023-2025).

Care Ecologies is a European project promoted by G&A Mamidakis, State of Concept, Centre for New Media and Feminist Public Practices CNMFPP (Athens), WHW (Zagreb) and Idensitat (Barcelona) with the support of Creative Europe.

Project by Idensitat in collaboration with IMARTE Research Group (Universitat de Barcelona) and La Capella Centre d'Art. Suported by Creative Europe and Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura. Is part of CARE ECOLOGIES 2023-2025, Creative European project lead by G&A Mamidakis, State of Concept, Centre Feminist Media (Athens), WHW (Zagreb) i Idensitat (Barcelona).