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May 15th, 18th and 20th, 2021
Artistic residence of Claudia Campos and Claudio Burguez / Transversal Esthetics - Ecosystems of fiction

During the two-month residency of Claudia Campos and Claudio Burguez at the CCCC, the project "Túria, el loco" has developed two artistic processes in parallel. One of these strands was the creation of a dramatic presentation about the river Túria, in which the flood of ‘57 and the diversion of the watercourse serve to address the stigma of the condition of madness that is attributed to the river. The other strand comprises the "La Criaturia" process, a book-object that brings together the living oral memory of elderly people who experienced the river in the days when it flowed through the town, illustrated by boys and girls from the Les Arenes public school.

This working process will be presented on three different dates; on May 15th, the project will be presented as part of the Cauces de Ficción Conference; on May 18th, the dramatic presentation emerging from the residency writing process will be presented; and on May 20th, the presentation of "La Criaturia" will take place, the illustrated book by students from the Les Arenes public school, and older adults from the La Merienda project. These three presentations are open for booking,  and members of the public may participate in one or more than one:

- 15/5/15/2021: Presentation of the results of the project Túria, El Loco.
- 18/5/2021: Open reading "Túria,el loco"
- 20/5/2021: "La Criaturia": presentation of the book-object


turia el loco 15 mayo
An arts residency project by Claudia Campos and Claudio Burguez.
Date: May 15th, 2021, 4.30 p.m.
Place: Sala refectori, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània, and live on the Youtube channel of the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana
Registration: This activity is part of the conference "Cauces de Ficción", so in order to register, you must select the option, May 15th, afternoon.

"The lost rivers come back, returned, to the surface of the city" Iain Sinclair

A presentation of “Túria, El Loco”, the result of Claudia Campos’s and Claudio Burguez’s two month residency at the CCCC, part of Transversal Aesthetics – Ecosystems of Fiction, an Idensitat programme with the collaboration of the CMCV. "TÚRIA, EL LOCO" is a poetic-political project that fictionalises a river’s "past" and its "present". From a transdisciplinary perspective, the project explores the territory of memories, and seeks to activate dialogue, reflection and collective production.

In 1957, the river Turia lost its head and burst its banks; it caused extreme damage and deaths. It was immediately classified as insane, was subjected to trial, found guilty, and was finally sentenced to banishment, to exile.  

With this as its starting point, the residency project worked on the one hand with students from the Les Arenes Public School, and with older adults, in the development of a book-object that creates a dialogue between very different visions of a dry-bed space in which seeing a river in the present has become a speculative exercise. On the other hand, there was also a process of literary creation on the theme of the stigma of madness, as applied to the personification of the river in the flood of 57.

With this presentation of results, the artists display their artistic residency’s strands of work, developed within Idensitat’s Ecosystems of Fiction programme, whose projects focus on dried-up rivers in built-up areas, and the intersection of aesthetic, ecological, social and imaginary relationships with the present day, and with contemporary creation.

Presentation as part of the CAUCES DE FICCIÓN conference

Based on experiences of production, education and research developed within the Transversal Aesthetics – Ecosystems of Fiction programme, the "Cauces de Ficción" conference represents an opportunity to view together the activities developed in Alicante, València, Castelló and Huarte (Navarra), converging in Valencia.
The conference will take place on May 14th and 15th, 2021 at the CCCC, with advance booking, and via streaming on the Youtube channel of the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.
More information


turia el loco 18
A residency by Claudia Campos and Claudio Burguez.
Date: May 18th, 2021, 6.30pm
Place: Sala D, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània
Advance booking required for in-person attendance.


Túria El Loco, an open reading, with commentary, of the dramatic writing process arising from the project during Claudia Campos’s and Claudio Burguez’s residence, as part of the Transversal Aesthetics  Ecosystems of Fiction programme.

“… I am that which never had a bottom, that which has neither beginning nor end. My fish, my plants, my people die. My viscera dry out in the air. They enforce their will upon me. They are many. Some men in black. Some sleek heads. Opinions. Plans. Documents "

With this presentation of results, the artists display their artistic residency’s strands of work, developed within Idensitat’s Ecosystems of Fiction programme, whose projects focus on dried-up rivers which pass through built-up areas, and the intersection of aesthetic, ecological, social and imaginary relationships with the present day, and with contemporary creation.


MAY 20th PRESENTATION OF "LA CRIATURIA", A BOOK-OBJECT CREATED DURING THE "TURIA, EL LOCO" RESIDENCY by Claudia Campos and Claudio Burguez, in conversation with Alba Cacheda (La Merienda) and Lola Prima (Les Arenes del Cabanyal public school).

Turia el loco 20
Date: May 20th, 2021, 6.30pm
Place: Sala D, Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània

“La Criaturia”, a conversation with Alba Cacheda, cultural mediator and promoter of the La Merienda elderly citizens’ project, and Lola Prima, head of studies and activities of the Les Arenes del Cabanyal public school, discussing the creation process between students of the Les Arenes del Cabanyal  and elderly participants from the La Merienda Project (CCCC). “La Criaturia” is a collective story in book form, a bridge of affection between generations in which the life stories are illustrated by schoolchildren.

This activity represents one the three presentations emerging from the Claudia Campos’a and Claudio Burguez’s residency project "Túria, El Loco" as part of Transversal Aesthetics - Ecosystems of Fiction, a programme by Idensitat with the collaboration of the CMCV, in which Idensitat focuses its projects on dried-up rivers which pass through built-up areas, and the intersection of aesthetic, ecological, social and imaginary relationships with the present day, and with contemporary creation.

Activities related to Transversal Aesthetics - Ecosystems of Fiction , a programme by Idensitat with the collaboration of the CMCV, in which Idensitat focuses its projects on dried-up rivers which pass through built-up areas, and the intersection of aesthetic, ecological, social and imaginary relationships with the present day, and with contemporary creation.

More information