Baró de Viver / Trinitat Vella / Bon Pastor / La Segrera (Barcelona) 2017 - 2018
Workshop at the vacant site of "Germanetes" in the "Left Eixample" district of Barcelona.
IDENSITAT iD Barrio BCN,in collaboration with students of the Master's Degree in Design, Art and Public Space at ELISAVA, and within the framework proposed by the group RECREANT CRUÏLLES (Recreating Crossroads), organised the workshop Devices In / Out, taught by the collective MAKEA, and with the participation of members of Recreant Cruïlles. The workshop will focus on the vacant space of the GERMANETES site, located in the Left Eixample district of Barcelona.
ID Barrio BDN Import/Export is an interdisciplinary research project from iDensitat, combining research and intervention in public space, and connecting art to anthropology and urban ethnography within the local context of the districts of Gorg and the South Industrial Estate of Badalona. This space is presently linked into global economic and social processes, a space where both imports (goods, immigrants...) and exports (new images of identity and of urban renewal) come together. The interaction between local and global is highlighted by economic relations, and by the transformation of a territory which previously based its activity upon local production and distribution, and which has now been replaced by local production and delocalised distribution.
07 - 12.11.2011.The districts of Gorg and La Salut, Badalona.
M1 Project
30.09.2011 - 08.10.2011 Several roaming activities in the district of La Marina.
M1 Project
Anaïs Bas Mantilla, Catarina Eisele Cabral, Irati Ezeiza i Rita Rabaça were the artists behind this project who, supervised by Xavi Camino, developed a work process based on analysis and negotiation with different people and collectives from the district of La Marina in Barcelona. The project was carried out in close collaboration with the Union of associations of La Marina and it is part, at the same time, of their project Coexistence.
iD Barrio BCN [La Marina]
Information + Data Workshop
IDENSITAT, in collaboration with the Unió d'Entitats de la Marina
Information + Data Can Clos and Sant Cristòfol (La SEAT) neighbourhoods of La Marina, Barcelona.
Workshop carried out by the collective Hackitectura [José Pérez de Lama, Sergio Moreno Páez, Pablo de Soto, Laura Hernández Andrade, Jaime Díez Honrado, Ale González]. with the participation of Núria Burguillos, Xavi Camino, Col•lectiu Connectats, Francesc Magrinyà, Oriol Granados, Ramon Parramon, Martí Peran, Elisenda Tomàs, Mireia Tortades. for Can Clos and Sant Cristòfol (La SEAT) neighbourhoods of La Marina, Barcelona.
iD Barrio. Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices.
Seminar + workshop. Calaf & Barcelona.
iD Barri is an IDENSITAT project that explores the idea of neighbourhood from an urban and extra-urban perspective starting with the relationship between social creativity, environmental transformation and artistic practices. The project consists of three interrelated parts : a seminar, two workshops, and a communication, visualisation and project information device.
iD Barrio
Creativitat social, acció col·lectiva i pràctiques artístiques
The seminar developed in Calaf the past 14 and 15 of November analyzed the capacity of urbanistic and social transformation of small and average cities through participation, social creativity and artistic practices. Several artists, experts in city transformation processes, and representatives of active projects in their local environments took part in the seminar.
iD Barri Calaf is an IDENSITAT project, in collaboration with the Ajuntament of Calaf, that explores the concept of neighbourhood parting from the relation between social creativity, collective action, environmental transformation and artistic practices. The project proposes a workshop and a seminar. The workshop is part of the Hivernacle Cultural project and will be carried out between June and July 2009 by Josep-Maria Martín with the collaboration of Jean Nicolas Fauchille. The seminar, which will take place in October, proposes an analysis of various projects developed in different districts. It will bring together creators, experts in transformation processes and projects in the local context.