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iD Barri Calaf is an IDENSITAT project, in collaboration with the Ajuntament of Calaf, that explores the concept of neighbourhood parting from the relation between social creativity, collective action, environmental transformation and artistic practices. The project proposes a workshop and a seminar. The workshop is part of the Hivernacle Cultural project and will be carried out between June and July 2009 by Josep-Maria Martín with the collaboration of Jean Nicolas Fauchille. The seminar, which will take place in October, proposes an analysis of various projects developed in different districts. It will bring together creators, experts in transformation processes and projects in the local context.


IDENSITAT presents an open call for participation in the TEMPORARY GARDENS workshop, as the first part of the iD Barri Calaf project.This workshop is part of the HIVERNACLECULTURAL project, carried out by Josep-Maria Martín for iD#5 Calaf.

Temporary Gardens Workshop Carried out by Josep-Maria Martín with the collaboration of Jean Nicolas Fauchille.

Open call for participation in the workshop.

From June 29 to July 3 2009. Place: Calaf. IES Alexandre de Riquer and facilities of the future HivernacleCultural for Calaf.

HIVERNACLECULTURAL for Calaf_ The project

This project by Josep-Maria Martín proposes the construction of a cultural centre –HIVERNACLECULTURAL- in Calaf. A space for knowledge, learning, experimentation and debate. An observatory of landscape and culture where nature will be the core theme.


To create a laboratory space for participation and reflection on the public space and environment of Calaf. To convert abandoned and deserted lots into living spaces, reformed and beautiful, capable of augmenting community self-esteem and promoting integration and community life.

Temporary Gardens_ The workshop

This intensive workshop will develop the following activities:
> Rethink and intervene in the physical space as a place to form community self-esteem.
> Create a cartography of abandoned lots in Calaf.
> Research ideas and concepts related to abandoned spaces in the urban area of Calaf.
> Propose temporary interventions in abandoned spaces.
> Incite and create participative projects for residents.
> Develop a specific cultural project according to the needs of Calaf residents.
> Create the experience of observing physical space.
> Explore contemporary aesthetics.
> Develop new skills and personal styles.
> Reflect on the contemporary world and its aesthetic interpretation.


> First session | Monday June 29: Introduction to the concept of the workshop and the local context. Search for adequate tools for research, propose a bibliography, locate batches of documents, institutions for reference, specialists.

>Second session | Tuesday June: Share and organise the information. Start a process of reflection and debate about artistic interventions in urban spaces.

> Third session| Wednesday July 1: Individual or collective working session for a specific proposal of a temporary intervention in public space. Identify the proper method to materialize each project.

> Fourth session | Thursday July 2: Realize an intervention in the lot next to the HIVERNACLECULTURAL and in an abandoned lot in the urban centre of Calaf. Individual working session with each participant in order to create their personal proposal.

>Fifth session | Friday July 3: Organisation and preparation for the presentation. Presentation and evaluation of the projects.

All sessions will include the participation of invited people who will intervene at different moments of the workshop.

Who can participate?

The workshop will be divided into two groups: one will be open to professionals and students of various disciplines (art, architecture, landscape design, design, sociology and education) and to people who live or work in Calaf and can participate in all or some of the activities; the other will be open for students or alumni of the IES Alezandre de Riquer.

Application for registration.

All interested in participating in the workshop should present a cover letter and résumé before June 20, 2009.

All applications must be sent by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Participation in the workshop is free of charge. IDENSITAT covers all costs for accommodation and half-board (breakfast and lunch). Accommodation and working space will be in public facilities of Calaf.

Workshop director Josep- Maria Martín

Josep-Maria Martin’s artistic projects focus on creating, through art, new strategies for intervention in certain consolidated structures of today’s society, not exempted from fissures. Through a subjective and reflexive approach, he questions and criticises the reality where he works. His works emphasise the ideas of process, research, participation, involvement and negotiation, converting those identified factors into generators of a collective project.

With the collaboration of Jean Nicolas Fauchille

The artistic trajectory of Jean Nicolas Fauchille is characterised by the search for the relation between architecture and the social context in central spaces, always using public space as a platform for discussion and learning. His work includes various exhibitions as well as collaborations with different organisations in Europe.

Collaborating and participating institutions: Ajuntament de Calaf, IES Alexandre de Riquer (Calaf), Diputació de Barcelona, Màster Disseny i Espai Públic (ELISAVA), Màster d’Intervenció i Gestió del Paisatge per a l’Ordenació del Territori i del Medi Ambient (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), MBA en Empresas e Instituciones Culturales (Universidad de Salamanca y Grupo Santillana)

iD Barri | Calaf is part of the ARTWORK'09 project of the Diputació de Barcelona, funded by the Projectes Innovadors according the Ordre TRE/337/2008 programme, supported by the Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya and co-funded by the European Social Found.

IDENSITAT positions itself as a networked production and research space, developed in the field of art, to experiment with new forms of involvement and interaction in social space. For the last 10 years, it has been developing artistic projects in Calaf and recently works in various urban contexts.

IDENSITAT is a project supported by Ajuntament de Calaf, Ajuntament de Manresa, Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Diputació de Barcelona. With the participation of Can Xalant, Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani de Mataró, Priorat Centre d’Art, Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat, Consonni (Sondika), La Capella (Barcelona) and Hangar (Barcelona). Is member of the network of production spaces Xarxaprod.

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Workshop by Josep-Maria Martín in collaboration with Jean Nicolas Fauchille. Calaf from 29th June to 3th July

Preparación del taller
Preparación del taller
Josep-Maria Martín y Jean Nicolás Fauchille
Espacio de alojamiento. IES Alexandre de Riquer
Inauguración del taller con Immaculada Sans, concejala de cultura del Ayuntamiento de Calaf
Visita guiada por Calaf
Revista caminada.
Revista caminada.
Visita guiada por Calaf. Castillo
Visita guiada por Calaf
Espacio taller. Futuro HIVERNACLECULTURAL
Revista caminada.
Revista caminada.
Revista caminada.