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iD Barrio. Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices.

Seminar + workshop. Calaf & Barcelona.

iD Barri is an IDENSITAT project that explores the idea of neighbourhood from an urban and extra-urban perspective starting with the relationship between social creativity, environmental transformation and artistic practices. The project consists of three interrelated parts : a seminar, two workshops, and a communication, visualisation and project information device.

Developed between Calaf and Barcelona, iD Barri allows to set the subject of neighbourhood in the context of small and medium cities in rural areas (Calaf) and in relation to the metropolis (Barcelona).


iD Barri through the seminar of Calaf and Barcelona proposes that art can be an innovative factor in the processes of urban and social transformation, since it is capable of bringing to the surface latent social creativity and developing it through collective actions. The seminars' participants are: Amasté Collective, JosepMaria Martín, Marta Ricart, LUL Collective, Traces of Autism Collective, Josep Puigpelat, Oriol Nel.lo, Frances Muñoz, Joan Caballol, Daniel G. Andujar, Judi Werthein, Francesca Comisso, Paola Di Bello, Viviana Bravo, Basurama, Sin|studio, Martin di Peco, Martí Peran, Gary W. McDonogh, Fadhila Mammar, Montserrat Santolino, Jose Luis Oyon, Loïc Wacquant, Manuel Delgado.
The workshops will be led by HoritzoTV (Calaf) and KUNSTrePUBLIK Collective (Barcelona)

iD Barri | Calaf. Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices.
Seminar: 14 and 15 november 2009.
Horitzó TV Workshop: 6, 7 and 13 november 2009.

iD Barri | Barcelona. Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices
Seminar: 27 and 28 november 2009
KUNSTrePUBLIK Workshop: 30 november - 4 december 2009

Registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - The deadline for registration ends on the 31st October.

Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices
In terms of space the neighbourhood is a fragment of a more extensive urban area. This area is a social, political, economic and cultural construct which, when concentrated, takes shape as a city. The neighbourhood can be understood as a metaphor of what is local in a globalised context defined by the accelerated flow of people, capital and information, where the city exists. Even if the neighbourhood is a fragment of the city, and the city does not escape from the complex dynamics affecting the planet, the neighbourhood, on a more reduced scale, will reproduce the changes, visions and projections that the city is suffering.
The neighbourhood, like the city, has not only inhabitants, it has visitors, workers, tourists, dynamisers, speculators, politicians, etc; users more or less identified with the territory and its culture. The neighbourhood as a fragment of the city produces connections and collaborations, conflicts and dissidences among its neighbours and among the flows produced there. In the neighbourhood important activities are channeled, and have been channeled, vindicating and positively beneficial primarily to the neighbours, but which instantly pass to become part of the complex collective build of the city. These actions, in many cases, have been a fruit of necessity combined with creativity. This applied creativity, with the purpose of transformation in the social context, we may define as social creativity .
Social creativity is triggered when there is the possibility to impact in the neighbourhood through creative activities. It consists of detecting possibilities to bring innovation to the social context. Collective action is created when this latent creativity of context or territory is put to practice by a group of people.
The relation between social creativity and collective action allows cultural activities to be launched based on a sort of “open code” in which anyone can participate by providing content, modifying it or using it, promoting or taking part in mechanisms of activation, reinventing elements of interpretation or redesigning devices of representation.
The people using the neighborhood (to live, work, visit, etc) can take part, or open new creative practices bringing new elements into play, in order to generate processes for collective benefit and to impact in the place.

iD Barri through the seminar of Calaf and Barcelona proposes that art can be an innovative factor in the processes of urban and social transformation, since it is capable of surfacing latent social creativity and developing it through collective actions. This affirmation raises a series of questions that will be discussed in the context of the seminar and the linked workshops:
How is art related to processes of urban and social transformation? What role and function have processes of participation? How can social creativity be triggered in a particular environment? In what way can creative processes have an effect on a local environment? How can one become involved in the sphere of collective action?Is the transformation of the city open to projects? What relationship exists between cultural policies and territorial planning? Can local contexts be part of the global cultural speech?

iD Barri | Calaf

Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices.
Seminar: 14 and 15 november 2009.
In Calaf, a two-day seminar about the idea of neighbourhood will take place,analyzing the capacity of urban and social transformation in the neighbourhoods starting with creativity, participation and artistic practices and bringing together artists, experts in processes of transformation of small and medium cities and active projects in the local context.
In the last ten years, Idensitat has developed in Calaf projects that bring together territory in its physical/ social dimension and art. Since Calaf wishes to reform its old city centre having approved its project to be part of the funding offered by the Llei de Barris (A Catalan Statute aiming to improve certain urban and rural areas ), this seminar will put forward subjects based on the relationship between social and urban transformation and the influence of art and culture to generate creative actions of local context but open to connections and exterior projection.

Contents and participants

Creativity and participation. Art and cultural projects with active collective practices
AMASTÉ [Ricardo Antón, Txelu Balboa, Idoia Azkorra, Frederico Javier Morino, Seba Domato]. Collective that carries out participative projects related to creativity.
Josep-Maria Martín. Artist. His works highlight the idea of process, research, participation, implication and negotiation, making the agents identified for each project become true generators of a common project.
Casal de Calaf. Non profit association developing cultural activities in Calaf.
Marta Ricart Massip. Teacher of the Area of artistic Education of Universitat de Barcelona. Coauthor of the book transforming creative processes. She develops artistic projects of social dynamisation in rural areas.

Creativity and space. Intervining and cartographying territory
LUL Landscape Urbanism Labs. Group of architects and planners, developers of a program of interventions at public space in Tel Aviv: Bat-Yam, international biennale of landscape urbanism.
Traces of Autism [Jozua Zaagman, Maartje Dros, Jacqueline Schoemaker]. Collective that works with the analysis and cartography of terrirtory. Authors of “Traces of Autism” project.
Josep Puigpelat. President of COPAC. (Calaf and region Agriculture Cooperative)

Urban transformation and creativity. Neighbourhood, city and territory
Oriol Nel·lo. Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Secretary of Territorial Planning of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Francesc Muñoz. Geographer, professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Joan Caballol.
Deputy mayor and chief of the urban developement unit of Calaf City Council
Associació de Veïns i veïnes del barri de les Escodines (Manresa). Public space, urban planning and sustainability neighbourhood project, experiencing about the impact of urban transformations.
Gaspar Maza. Anthropologist, professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona.

The seminar invites all experts in neighbourhood issues, experts in cultural development in communities, creators, educators, cultural managers, students of sociology, anthropology, art, education and a wide public that participates in neighbourhood projects.

Horitzó TV Workshop: 6, 7 and 13 november 2009.
Internet local television. Workshop to learn audiovisual and digital technologies to spread content across the web. The workshop will be carried out by the collective TV Horizon who developed the Plató Volant project in Calaf. This workshop is open to people interested in learning new technologies and their application to broadcast audiovisual content. The workshop aims to raise interest among participants and instruct them in the making of these kinds of media to activate projects for broadcast on a possible local television channel in Calaf. Aimed at people living or working in Calaf and surrounding areas, and initiated into navigation through web applications.

iD Barri | Barcelona
Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices
Seminar: 27 and 28 november 2009
In Barcelona, a two-day seminar will take place, centered on the urban environment from the starting points of creativity, participation and artistic practices . The workshop will place special emphasis on participative processes management, the dynamics of work in local environments in relation to processes, and trans-local issues. Artists, cultural agents, experts and researchers of the processes of city transformation and active projects in specific neighborhoods will come together to analyse differences and draw points of connection from their fields of action

Contents and participants

Local context and global dynamics in the cultural institutional space
Hans D.Christ, Iris Dressler. Directors of WKV Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. They have curated numerous projects as ON Difference. Politics of space, in the expropriation and re-appropriation of the spaces of social, political and cultural action
Daniel G. Andújar. Artist. Initiator of e-projects derived from the collective project Technologies To The People.
Judi Werthein. Artist, she took part in inSite 05 with the project Brinco, which expresses the problems of illegal immigration between Mexico and United States with the creation of a brand of sport shoes to cross the border.

Creative mediation and neighbourhood in artistic intervention processes
Francesca Comisso. Curator and member of the a.tittolo collective. She works with artists and curates projects sets in neighbourhoods.
Paola di Bello. Artist. Has documented urban spaces on the peripheries of Milan, where there is a significant presence of gypsy and non-european immigrants
Viviana Bravo. Artist. She develops public art projects which involve interaction with the city. Currently she is working on a project, Unidad Vecinal, set in a specific neighbourhood of Santiago of Chile.

Active architecture. Generate spaces to exchange experiences
Basurama. Collective dedicated to research and cultural management which has centered its area of study and performance in productive processes, the generation of waste involved in them and the creative possibilities which arise through this contemporary situation .
Martin di Peco. Architect. Member of Rally Conurbano, a collective project based on exploration of and experimentation on time and periurban public spaces. They decyphered the landscape of Buenos Aires, discovering surprising and unexpected singularities while inhabiting it ephemerally.
Sin|studio [Paula Alvarez, Ana Fernández, José M. Galán]. Architects and publishers of Neutra magazine. The work of sin|studio explores emergent forms of constructing bonds of citizenship in urban space, understanding it as the place where people express themselves and where freedoms and individual and collective rights are exercised.
Martí Peran. Independent curator and professor of art theory at the Universitat de Barcelona. Recently, has curated in the project Occasional Cities (CCCB) and Architectures Without Places (Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona).

Neighbourhood, participation and difference management
Gary W. McDonogh. Anthropologist. Professor and Chair of the Growth and Structure of Cities Program at Bryn Mawr College. Philadephia.
Fadhila Mammar. Inmigrants and participation. Universitat Autònoma de Madrid. Intercultural Mediation Service, Madrid City Council.
Jose Luis Oyon. Architect. Professor at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. He and Juan Jose Gallardo coordinated the book “El corazón rojinegro” about Barcelona peripheral settlements.
Loïc Wacquant, sociologist. Author of “Urban Outacasts”. He has analysed the suburbs of Paris and different American cities. Teacher of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. He takes part in the seminar with a text that will be distributed to the assistants.

Participation dinamycs at neighbourhood projects
Barri Fondo (Santa Coloma de Gramenet).
Barri de la Florida (Hospitalet de Llobregat) Associationism and inmigration in a first accoueil and temporary home neighbourhood.
Barri Sant Cosme (Prat de Llobregat)
Video screening about collective actions in a neighbourhood context. Carried out by Manuel Delgado, anthropologist and professor at the Universitat de Barcelona

KUNSTrePUBLIK Workshop: 30 november - 4 december 2009
This workshop will be carried out by KUNSTrePUBLIK Collective [Markus Lohmann, Harry Sachs, Philip Horst, Daniel Seiple, Matthias Einhoff]. Collective that produces in situ projects and strategies for unused, or currently changing public spaces. The artists promote collective work with local residents. The workshop will propose specific work aiming to relate the exploration of territory, the analysis of space, with sociocultural activism and participation. The workshop will be open to different disciplines, gathering people working in neighbourhoods with architects, designers, and artists.

Touring Device exhibition: 27 november - 8 december 2009.
November 27 th Exhibition Opening
December 4 Presentation of the project Històries i Llocs ( stories and places ) by Sans Façon, promoted by Idensitat and Priorat Centre d’Art with the participation of DO Montsant.

Registrations are free. To take part in the Kunstrepublik workshop in Barcelona or Horitzo TV in Calaf a covering letter, stating why you would like to join, and a curriculum must be sent. To confirm an email message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. must also be sent. The deadline for registration ends on the 31st October. In the case of the seminars places are limited . In the case of the workshops participants will be selected according to the presented documentation.

Places and dates
iD Barri| Calaf.
Place: Espai HivernacleCultural, c. Francesc Macià, 8. 08280 Calaf
Seminar dates: November 14h-15th 2009.
Workshop dates: NOvember 6th, 7th and 13th 2009.

The facilities of the IES Alexandre de Riquer in Calaf will be available to lodge the weekend of the 13th -15th of November under previous request.

iD Barri | Barcelona.
Place: La Capella. C.Hospital, 56. 08001 Barcelona. Tel: 93 442 71 71
Seminar dates: November 27th-28th 2009
Workshop dates: From november the 30th to december 4th 2009

Touring Device exhibition: from november 26th to december 8th.



iD Barrio Barcelona. On the 27th and 28th of November, an international seminar took place in La Capella, bringing together a group of people who exchanged experiences, projects, and studies, as well as the hope of introducing changes in city policy regarding the various districts and communities. 200 people participated in the seminar, and 32 lecturers from various countries, who, with individual or collective presentations, brought together various ideas on how to work on a district scale, originating in the arts, architecture, social activism or anthropology or activism.

The debates following the presentations were intense, acknowledging that we stand before a changing panorama of collective action, one which requires an expansion of creativity beyond the disciplines which have traditionally dominated the social sphere. To approach certain practices from a single perspective has become obsolete and inefficient, while creativity can expand the capacity for action, providing a tool and a political weapon within every citizen's reach. To spread creative capability, to develop projects collectively , to be able to instil the necessary trust for sharing projects, to be able to involve others in a project; all these imply broadening strategies of participation, a quantity which is in danger of becoming overrated.

The idea of participation was a constant theme in all the presentations and in the following debates. How to approach it, where to apply it and how to motivate it remain common doubts, but there should be a good reason to activate a participative process, depending upon what it offers and what might be expected of it. If participation cannot be achieved by means of a transparent process offering complete information, or if it is a cosmetic process, better if the community were not to be involved. But if the objective of community involvement in a process of participation is to encourage critical awareness , to bring a community together, to generate processes by which to exchange experience, and to motivate a particular change affecting the context, then we are also promoting social creativity in order to apply it to collective actions, whether this might be achieved through art, social engagement and collective constructs, since the objective is to influence all kinds of community issues.Participation becomes a political action, because it stimulates the potential and will [the desire?] for transformation, for exercising every citizen's right to be active in building a better world. For some, this world is the district, for others, the city, and for still others, the constant movement between different places. Participating in these processes of transformation is a right, as David Harvey writes, "The right to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access urban resources: it is a right to change ourselves by changing the city". But it also reminds us that the city is the arena for confusion, conflicts and violence, and as history has proven, protest and civility have been an exception. The city provides the stage for constant creative destruction and rebuilding, and possibly for reinvention and innovation through new creative actions. All participative processes require this simultaneously creative and destructive practice . This is why politicians tend to exercise strict control over participative processes.

The interest aroused by the seminar has reinforced the organisers' conviction that there is a need for those working on and carrying out community projects to share experiences and methodologies.

iD Barrio | Barcelona
Social collectivity, creative action and artistic practices

Seminar: November 27-28, 2009
The two-day seminar that tool place in Barcelona focused on the analysis of the urban environment through creativity, participation and artistic practices. A special emphasis was placed upon the management of participative processes, and the dynamics of work in local environments in relation to ultra-local processes and discourses. Artists, cultural officers, experts in urban transformation, and representatives from projects active in their local environments, took part in the seminar in order to analyse differences and draw out common points between the respective domains.


Contents and participants

Local context and global dynamics in the cultural institutional space.
Hans D.Christ, Iris Dressler. Directors of WKV Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. They have curated various projects, amongst others, On Difference; Politics of Space.
Daniel G. Andújar. Founder of Technologies To The People and director of various internet projects such as, or His work questions the democratic and egalitarian promises of new communication technologies.
Jordi Vidal. Director of HEART, Haute École d’Art de Perpignan, France. Noteworthy books include Résistance au chaos; Traité du combat moderne: Films et fictions de Stanley Kubrick;Servitude et simulacre en temps réel et flux constant and L’Extinction des Lumières to be published in 2010.

Active architecture and cartography. Spaces for exchanging experiences.
Basurama. Collective dedicated to research and cultural management which has focused its area of study and performance on the creative possibilities which arise from the generation of waste involved in contemporary processes of production.
Santiago Cirugeda. Architect. Carries out subversive art projects in different areas of the urban environment. He is currently working on self-construction projects in various Spanish cities, in which groups of citizens decide to create their own urban public spaces.
Martin di Peco. Architect, graduate of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is a member of various collectives of experimentation and research on society – art – territory. Sin|studio. Group of emerging creators dedicated to researching the link between architecture, art and social issues related to the commons. They carry out interventions in public spaces, with the aim of working within specific social contexts.
Traces of Autism. Interdisciplinary collective which works on the analysis and cartography of territory, by taking long walks through public space and producing an archive of their discoveries, converting them into maps, texts and videos.
Martí Peran. Independent curator and lecturer in art theory at the Universitat de Barcelona. He has recently curated the project Occasional Cities and Architectures Without Places. He is a member and editor of “Roulotte” and collaborates with various art magazines (Exit Express, Artforum International).

Creative mediation and community in artistic intervention processes.

Francesca Comisso. Curator and member of the a.titolo collective, dedicated to artistic practices which tackle the social and political dimensions of public space. She is a lecturer at the Turin Polytechnic.
Paola di Bello. Artist. Photography lecturer at the Brera Academy of Arts, Milan. Her work explores socio-political problems which define the contemporary city.
Viviana Bravo. Visual artist specialising in Integration between Art and Architecture. She carries out collaborative projects and interventions in run-down public spaces. lecturer at the Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile and the Escuela de Artes de la Universidad del Desarrollo.
KUNSTrePUBLIK. Collective which produces in situ projects and strategies for public spaces which are either unused or undergoing changes.

District, participation and social diversity.
Gary W. McDonogh. Anthropologist. Lecturer and Chair of the Growth and Structure of Cities Program at Bryn Mawr College. Philadelphia.
Fadhila Mammar. Graduate in Spanish Philology from the Universidad de Grenoble (France) and Tunisia. Master in Migrations, Refuge and Intercommunity Relations. She is a mediator, and an expert in Intercultural Mediation.
José Luis Oyon. Architect, professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Among his books are: Atlas histórico de ciudades europeas; Barcelona, 1930: un atlas social; El cinturón rojinegro and La quiebra de la ciudad popular.
Montserrat Santolino. Journalist. Representative of the Associació Cultural Florida-Waslala which has participated in the Plan de Desarrollo Comunitario of the district and in the process of defining the Plan Integral, extended as a result of the Ley de barrios.
Sergi Alegre Calero. Deputy mayor of Urbanism, Territory and Environment and councilor of Plan de Actuación de Sant Cosme, Ayuntamiento del Prat de Llobregat.
Loïc Wacquant. Sociologist. Author of “Urban Outcasts”. He has analysed the suburbs of Paris and different American cities. Teacher of sociology at the University of California, Berkely. [He participated in the seminar with a text which was distributed to the assistants].

Video screening about collective actions in a district context. Carried out by Manuel Delgado, anthropologist and professor at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Directors of the seminar: Gaspar Maza, anthropologist, lecturer at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona and Ramon Parramon, director of Idensitat and lecturer at Elisava.

iD Barrio | Barcelona an IDENSITAT proposal for La Capella. Ajuntament de Barcelona in collaboration with the Goethe Institut and the Netherlands Consulate in Barcelona and the Genetalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura.


iD Barrio | Barcelona.

Place: La Capella. C.Hospital, 56. 08001 Barcelona. Tel: 93 442 71 71
Seminar: November 27th-28th 2009
Workshop: From november the 30th to december 4th 2009
Touring Device exhibition: November 26 - December 8, 2009

iD Barrio | Barcelona is an IDENSITAT proposal for La Capella. Ajuntament de Barcelona in collaboration with the Goethe Institut and the Netherlands Consulate in Barcelona and the Genetalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura.


iD Barrio|Barcelona. Social creativity, collective action and artistic practices

Presentation of projects. Friday December 4.



Presentation of projects. Friday December 4, from the Traces of Autism and the KUNSTrePUBLIK workshops, and of the Històries i Llocs project by Sans Façon, promoted by Idensitat and Priorat Centre d'Art with the participation of the Denominació Origen (Denomination of Origin, the European Union's recognition of the close identification between a food or drink product and its specific place of origin) Montsant, and the collaboration of El Masroig and Aibar wineries. Wine tasting of the Denominacio Origen Montsant.

KUNSTrePUBLIK workshop: November 30 - December 4, 2009
The workshop carried out by the KUNSTrePUBLIK collective [Markus Lohmann, Harry Sachs, Philip Horst, Daniel Seiple, Matthias Einhoff] took place in the Raval district, using La Capella as a work-space. The specific proposals developed during the workshop focused on bringing together territorial exploration and spatial analysis with socio-cultural activism and participation. 32 people participated in the workshop which formed a multidisciplinary group combining artists, architects and designers. KUNSTrePUBLIK are the artists behind Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum,

Traces of Autism workshop:
November 30 - December 4, 2009
Traces of Autism [Jozua Zaagman, Maartje Dros, Jacqueline Schoemaker] is an interdisciplinary collective working on the analysis and cartography of territory by making long walks through public space, producing an archive of their discoveries, and converting this archive into maps, texts, images and videos. The workshop used this same methodology throughout Barcelona. Students from the Master of Design and Public Space of Elisava participated in the workshop, together with other designers, artists and architects, forming a group of 22 people.

iD Barrio | Barcelona,is an IDENSITAT proposal for La Capella. Ajuntament de Barcelona in collaboration with the Goethe Institut, the General Consulate of the Netherlands in Barcelona and the Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura, and with the participation of the Priorat Centre d'Art, DO Montsant and the Master in Design and Public Space of ELISAVA.

iD Barri | Calaf is a proposal of IDENSITAT in collaboration with the Town Council of Calaf and is part of the project ARTWORK'09 of Diputació de Barcelona. Funded by the programme Projectes Innovadors(innovative projects) acording Ordre TRE/337/2008, sponsored by Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya i supported by the European Social Fund .


Direction of the seminar: Gaspar Maza, anthropologist, teacher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona and Ramon Parramon, director of Idensitat and teacher of Elisava.

IDENSITAT is an arts project that investigates ways to impact the public sphere through creative proposals that work with place and territory exploring their physical and social aspects.IDENSITAT positions itself as a networked production and research space, developed in the field of art, to experiment with new forms of involvement and interaction in social space. For the last 10 years, it has been developing artistic projects in Calaf and recently works in various urban contexts.
The projects developed in the workshops will be part of Idensitat's archive with the will of finding mechanisms of production for those that fit to specific dynamics linked to the local context.

IDENSITAT is a project supported by Ajuntament de Calaf, Ajuntament de Manresa, Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Diputació de Barcelona. With the participation of Can Xalant, Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani de Mataró, Priorat Centre d’Art, Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat, Consonni (Sondika), La Capella (Barcelona) and Hangar (Barcelona). It is a member of the network of production spaces Xarxaprod.