DISPOSITIFS POST- EXPANDED SEMINAR is an Idensitat project, in association with the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, an attempt to open a semi-permanent space for reflection, training and cross-disciplinary work.
The Expanded Seminar seeks to engage in depth with questions worked during the first part of the project Dispositius Post, in order to keep these questions in mind, as well as to implement methodologies for those projects seeking to make an impact upon social space using creative practices.
DISPOSITIFS POST- | S+T+I explores the role of creative practices in relation to citizen action networks of assuming and advancing proposals for future transformation. A series of questions for analysis in this theatre of debate arises from the relationship between social space and creative space, imagining future options. These issues will be argued and discussed in the context of a seminar, a workshop and a series of interventions in public space.
What are the interactions between art and social space in the contemporary context? Can art really influence the social sphere? What role may citizen action networks play with regard to future policies? In a time when the public is involved in emancipatory processes, what role may cultural/art practices play, from the perspective of the reactivation of social space? How is creativity channeled into city-building processes? What happens when the function of art is to be useful? Is there an abuse of this kind of practice? Neglect, passivity, impotence, decline or scheduled dismantling of public institutions? Do we need a reconstruction of the institutional? What role can creative projects play in a context of crisis models? Are artistic practices necessary in contemporary future societies? What is the role of cultural institutions in a new paradigm led by mobilised citizens?
Research groups, professors and students from different fields, such as art, architecture and urban planning, sociology, anthropology, sports practices, communication, audio-visual and cultural policies, are participating in the project:
- Seminar On Mediation, Universitat de Barcelona, Departament d'Història de l'Art (Department of Art History). Martí Peran and Diana Padrón (coord.)
- IGOP, Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (Institute of Governance and Public Policies), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Joan Subirats (Coord.)
- Màster en Antropologia Urbana, Migracions i Treball Social (Master Degree Urban Anthropology, Migrations and Social Work). Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Departament d'Antropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social (Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work) . Gaspar Maza (Coord.)
- Màster en Sostenibilitat i Medi Ambient (Master Degree in Sustainability and Environment). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Departament d'Urbanisme. (Department of Urban Planning) Francesc Magrinyà (coord.)
- Màster en Esport, LLeure i Canvi Social (Sport, Leisure and Social Change). Universitat Ramon LLull, Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport (CAFE) (Physical Activity and Sports' Sciences). Ricardo Sánchez (Coord.)
- Escola d'Arquitectura de Reus. Universitat Rovia i Virgili. Núria Salvadó (coord.)
- Processos Creatius en Disseny Col·laboratiu. EINA- Universitat Autònoma. Tania Costa (coord.)
- Màster en Intervenció Psicosocial ( Master Degree Psychosocial Intervention) from the Departament de Psicologia Social (Department of Social Psychology) at UB. Ruben Fernandez and Moisés Carmona.
- Fundació Antoni Tàpies. Laurence Rassel and Linda Valdés
- Idensitat. Ramon Parramon and Laia Ramos