Alessandra Patrucco
ORP. Autonoise
Alessandra Patrucco
iD#5 Manresa | Cal Gras
Art and Propaganda. Do It Yourself strategies and practices.
Workshop by Democracia in collaboration with Eva Soto.
• Agitation and propaganda in an age of media monopolies.
• Public art, successes and failures from the counter-monument to work with communities.
• Taking the stage. “Do it yourself” (punk). Faced with contemporary art as propaganda of cultural policies, thinking art as communicative action. Strategies and tactics for intervening critically in public spaces.
IDENSITAT, in collaboration with Ajuntament de Manresa and Cal Gras initiated an open call for participation in the workshop ART AND PROPAGANDA. DO IT YOURSELF STRATEGIES AND PRACTICES carried out by DEMOCRACIA in collaboration with EVA SOTO.
Date and venue
July 2010
Place: Avinyó. Alberg de cultura Cal Gras. C. Francesc Macià, 1, 08279 Avinyó (Barcelona)
The workshop
When Chuck D, the vocalist of the hip-hop band declared “We’re media hijackers” or “rap is black CNN”, it was very easy to relate his words to the theories of Antonio Gramsci on the subject of “counter hegemony”. In fact, when Chuck D added that “he who controls culture controls the people”, he was merely summarising Gramsci’s starting point: the ruling classes’ power over the proletariat and all subjugated classes in a capitalist production system is not just the result of control by the State’s repressive apparatus. This power is essentially the result of the cultural “hegemony” which the ruling classes manage to exercise over subjugated classes, through control of the education system and media.
If a counter hegemony implied the creation of a force capable of transforming subjective consciousnesses and of fostering intellectual and moral reform, raising the issue of certain conflicts in civil society, seeking to generate discursive moments which could, taken together - however alternative or sporadic they might be – lead to a discourse which challenges apparently indestructible cornerstones of the dominant system, then we might say that Public enemy’s praxis is none other than this.
Today, the desire to agitate and attract publicity characteristic of avant-garde movements has been continued through new forms associated with popular culture and the “do-it-yourself” ideology proposed by the punk movement.
iD#5 Manresa. Seized City. ACTIVITIES
Exhibition: April 9 to 25, 2010
Place: Centre Cultural el Casino, Passeig Pere III, 29, 08242 Manresa. Tel 93 875 36 36
iD#5 Manresa projects: MOTOCARRO PROJECT by Domènec, SPERMÖLA. Proyecto de tienda gratis by Basurama, SUBTEXTOS MANRESA from Democracia, TRACING MANRESA/CALAF by Traces of Autism , DISJECTA by Patrick Raddatz, IDtv : VídeoDiàlegs by Oriol Fontdevila, Laia Ramos, DISPOSITIVO ITINERANTE from Idensitat with the project SEARCHING FOR RELATIVES by Verónica Luyo/María Celeste Venico.
Motocarro Project Activities
Saturday 17, 22.00h
Place: Plaça Icària (in front of La Kampana)
Screening of: Plácido from Luis García Berlanga
Length: 87 mm Language: Spanish
Saturday 24, 22.00h
Place: Courtyard of the Centre Cultural el Casino, Passeig de Pere III, 29
Screening of: Cycle de Tran Anh Hung
Length: 124 mm
Language: Vietnamese with spanish subtitles
No recommended for children under 18
SPERMÖLA. Free shop project. Basurama
Tuesday 13 - Thursday 22. Gathering of goods and furnitures. Bring all that you no longer wants. From 17.00h, Auditori Sant Francesc.
Friday 16. Free shop opening.Take all kinds of goods from the free shop.
16 to 22 of April from 17.00h, Auditori Sant Francesc.
Friday 16. Workshop "less consume for better life"by Toni Lodeiro.
19.30h - 21.00h, Auditori Sant Francesc.
Saturday 17. Free shop La Biga. From 10.00h to 14.00h, Plaça Europa.
Friday 16 - Sunday 18. Creative recycling.
Open workshops by Makea and Obsoletos.
All day, Auditori Sant Francesc.
Reusable furnitures by Makea Collective + iNFO: http://www.makeatuvida.net
Reusable electronics and computing by Obsoletos Collective + iNFO: http://www.obsoletos.org
Tuesday 20, Talk with Basurama 8pm, Auditori Sant Francesc.
Wednesday 21, Forum against consumerism with the participation of local agents of waste management.
8pm, Auditori Sant Francesc.
From 9 to 25 April. SUBTEXTOS at the Opi's of Manresa's streets.
Televisió de Manresa and the Associació Bages per a Tothom collaborate with the project.
TOURING DEVICE. Searching for relatives its a project by Verónica Luyo / María Celeste Venica, that has been selected to be developed within the program of interventions in public space of Manresa using Idensitat Touring Device
From 23 to 25 April in front of the Centre Cultural del Casino de Manresa
DISJECTA. Patrick Raddatz From 9 to 25 April DISJECTA shows at the Conservatori Municipal de Música de Manresa The Conservatori Municipal de Música de Manresa collaborates with the project..
IDtv : VídeoDiàlegs. Oriol Fontdevila, Laia Ramos IDtv :From 9 to 25 April screenings IDtv at Televisió de Manresa. Televisió de Manresa collaborates with the project.
iD#5 Manresa. Seized City proposes a tour of the city through interventions carried out by diferent artists and collectives. The projects cover a number of complementary issues: they detect conflicts or suggest strategies for dialogue; camouflage in the public space or occupy it; involve people in the process or look for spectators. Whatever the tactics, themes, objectives or formalization, they propose mechanisms for negotiation with elements of latent tension in the public space.
iD#5 Manresa projects: MOTOCARRO PROJECT by Domènec, SPERMÖLA. Proyecto de tienda gratis by Basurama, SUBTEXTOS MANRESA from Democracia, TRACING MANRESA/CALAF by Traces of Autism , DISJECTA by Patrick Raddatz, IDtv : VídeoDiàlegs by Oriol Fontdevila, Laia Ramos, DISPOSITIVO ITINERANTE from Idensitat with the project BUSCANDO PARIENTES by Verónica Luyo/María Celeste Venico.
Exhibition: April 9 to 25, 2010
Presentation of projects: April 9, 2010, at 19.00h
Place: Centre Cultural el Casino, Passeig Pere III, 29, 08242 Manresa. Tel 93 875 36 36
iD#5 MANRESA. Call for ideas for a project of intervention in the public space.
IDENSITAT#5 Manresa opens an open call for projects to participate in the program of interventions in public space that will take place in April 2010 in differents places in the city of Manresa.
The open call is for artists residing in Central Catalonia who want to develop an intervention project in the public space of Manresa. The participants will have to make a proposal that incorporates Idensitat’s Touring Device and propose one or several places in the city for its display. There are no prerequisites apart from these mentioned above, hence the projects can provide answers or raise questions, identify conflicts or propose strategies for dialogue, camouflage in the space or occupy it, involve people in the work process or search for spectators; at any rate, the strategy and formalization will have to deal with elements of latent tension in public space. The final location of the selected proposal in the public space will be subject to obtaining a municipal permit.
The selected project will be part of iD#5 Manresa, along with the following artists and collectives:
Domènec, Democracia, Basurama, Patrick Raddatz, Traces of Autism (Jozua Zaagman, Maartje Dros, Jacqueline Schoemaker) and Oriol Fontdevila/Laia Ramos.
Touring Device. At different moments in 2009 the Touring Device has been part of workshops and seminars as an itinerant exhibition that conveys specific activities generated by Idensitat. It has been present in Calaf (Hivernacle Cultural), Prat de Llobregat (Torre Muntadas) and Barcelona (La Capella). It pursues the idea of an exhibition that expands in the territory and serves as a transmitter - receiver of data. Its itinerant nature allows to affect specific aspects of the territory through mobility. In this case it is proposed as a display element that is part of the selected project. It may be modified and adapted to the needs of the project. The selected project will have 2.100 eur, of which € 600 as honoraries and the remainder for production (including taxes). The Touring Device has some additional elements such as projector, various tables, chairs, projection screens and vertical supports. The displacement of the device will be included in the project.
The proposals may be sent by e-mail to
The Other Side of the Fabric is a project by Rogelio López Cuenca that was presented on December 17 in Can Palauet (Mataró). It is part of the collaboration between Can Xalant and IDENSITAT. Both share an interest in providing support to artistic projects thought up specifically fot the city of Mataró. It is also the result of the work group formed by Roser Caminal, Ismael Cabezudo, Laura Marte, Cecilia Postiglioni, Daniela Ortiz y Anna Recasens. Project site: www.mapademataro.net
Time past and time future
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
T.S. Eliot: Four Quartets
MAPA DE MATARÓ is part of the project EL REVÉS DE LA TRAMA (THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FABRIC), conceived during the workshop Alternative Defeats: Now/here Mataró (Can Xalant, September - October, 2008). A work group arising from this meeting and comprising Roser Caminal, Ismael Cabezudo, Laura Marte, Cecilia Postiglioni, Daniela Ortiz and Anna Recasens, has been working with Rogelio Lopez Cuenca in a research concerning the definition of a "different" geography of the city, by means of tracing itineraries which can allow us to cross local history in several ways to visualize simultaneously aspects normally considered in isolation, classified and frozen in time, enclosed in specific spaces; a crisscross vision departing precisely from unplanned geographies of everyday life, and relating them with global processes in which these are both consequence and protagonists.
A conclusion, summarizing everything, reveals a repressive presence of what is “not said” and this lack of saying implies an emptiness covering what is really said.
Recipes for an internet television
On the 6th, 7th and 13th of November, TELECALAFFFFF workshop developed recipes to cook up an internet television channel. This workshop was directed by Horitzó Tv and consisted in demonstrating available open source tools on the internet to edit images and video, composing audio, making animations, and finding multiple solutions to problems arising when creating and distributing audiovisual contents by internet.
The participants in the workshop aimed to start their own channel. Currently a group of neighbours in Calaf wish to start "TeleCalaf", a television station for everyone on town who has something to show and say. Calaf had a local television channel some years ago. This workshop retrieved the spirit that made it possible, and , why not, retrieved some of the programmes broadcast years before. The workshop has already generated a first attempt: http://www.livestream.com/calaftv
Topografia Sensible. Activitats educatives d’Idensitat.
Last Sunday 20th of September the first exploration and botanical walk around the town of Calaf occurred. Starting at the Plaça Gran of Calaf, the group followed the Camí del Rentador through the Mas de l'Indiano and to return along the railway border to finish the walk in the Convent of Sant Francesc. This itinerary is included in the program proposed by Sensitive Topography
Topografia Sensible is a project created by Anna Recasens and Mercè Ramos for Calaf and part of the Educational Action of Idensitat #5- HivernacleCultural.
HIVERNACLE CULTURAL is a project by Josep-Maria Martín for Idensitat that proposes the construction, in Calaf, of a cultural centre, a space of knowledge, experimentation, learning, debate, information, cultural and scientific exposition where nature is the central axis.
One of the goals of Idensitat is to promote educational actions linked to those projects forming part of this fifth edition. In this way Sensitive Topography is generating a catalogue and a botanical map of the municipal term, acquiring knowledge and memory related with local flora. Currently the project is promoting a series of open, interactive and educational activities related with art, nature and the recovery of the environment.
As a part of these activities, last Saturday 19 September the project was present at the Market of Calaf with a stall covering different functions, including information point, library and of center of data collection. Advice, stories, recipes, etc., were exchanged. The stall will continue on a monthly basis. In the next months several activities will be carried out such as itineraries, readings and collective work sessions open to participation. The information on this educational actions may be consulted in the project blog www.idensitat.net/topografiasensible.
Tothom que vulgui participar aportant històries, coneixements, receptes, consells relacionats amb la flora local, aixi com d'oficis que utilitzen aquests recursos, que vulgui intercanviar llavors, que vulgui aportar els seus coneixements sobre el terme municipal pot explicar-ho a través de: