Idensitat (iD Sport) + Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD)
In July 2010, the Consejo Superior de Deportes [CSD] (Sports Council) in collaboration with Idensitat [iD #6] announced a call for interdisciplinary projects promoting the relationship between sport and the social, cultural and creative areas.
The call was open to two categories, Project Laboratory and Project Bank, and addressed three types of projects:
1. Projects about physical activity and sports promoted by organisations, associations, sports clubs, local councils, regional councils, and autonomic goverments mainly concerned with social inclusion as well as social intervention through sport in disadvantaged zones.
2. Creative projects proceeding from different disciplines (artists, architects, designers, etc.) that organise or promote projects based on sporting subjects and with special orientation towar ds social questions.
3. Hybrid projects arising from the relationship between creators and organisations, sports clubs, social educators, etc.; proposing collaborative work and concerning subjects of inclusion or social intervention through this relationship between creativity and sport.
Between July and October 2010, Idensitat received 179 proposals for the category of Project Laboratory, and 80 for the Project Bank category.
The selection committee was formed by:
-Marta Carranza Gil-Dolz del Castellar. Deputy general director of sports promotion and Paralympic sport. Consejo Superior de deportes.
-Santiago Cirugeda Parejo. Architect. Projects of collective action and international cooperation.
-Carmen Guerrero Martínez. Journalist. Cabinet advisor of the Secretary of State-President of the Consejo Superior de deportes.
-Gaspar Maza Gutiérrez. Anthropologist. Coordinator of the group of sports and social inclusion Plan A+D. Consejo Superior de deportes.
-Ramon Parramon Arimany. Artist. Director of IDENSITAT. Director of ACVic, Centre d'Arts Contemporànies.
The committee met in Madrid, on November 30, 2010 and observed the quality of the proposals, which in majority brought creative and experimental solutions to the proposed framework.
a. Project laboratory
Idensitat and the Consejo Superior de Deportes [CSD] collaborated in announcing an open call for interdisciplinary projects to promote the relationship between sport and the social, cultural and creative fields. The selected projects were the following:
Street Games Centro Deportivo Autogestionado. Todo por la Praxis collective. [Madrid]
A proposal for a project using a gap-site in the Malaseña district in Madrid. The aim was to offer sport as an alternative to consumerist leisure activities within the district. Local collectives were brought together during the organisation of the project for several meetings, both during the process of design and the management of activities. The project was part of the Street Games Project which Todo por la Praxis has been carrying out .
Parc de Trinitat. Connectats. Collective formed by Sonia Abian, Sílvia Subirós, Diego Salazar, Florencia Aliberti. [Barcelona]
The proposal for the project was to open dialogue and reflection about sporting activities and the use of space by male and female groups in the Parc de la Trinitat. The working process included contacting users of the park, organised collectives, sports clubs and associations responsible for managing the space. The aim was to link the project to a working group, formed by the users of the park, for organising a sporting event, and to produce an audiovisual document of the process.
CDAS [Comando Deportivo de Acción Social]. Iñaki Larrimbe. [Vitoria]
The project consisted in the collective creation of a sporting group for social, political and communicative action, which focused on implementing various specific local actions designed over several meetings with group members. The project aimed to generate a public debate on different aspects of our environment that worry us as citizens. The proposal was to form a group of 10 to 30 people to develop a collective action plan based on the wishes, concerns, problems and themes of common interest among group members.
Rugby modules: una oportunidad para la integración, cooperación y trabajo en equipo.
Rugby “La Melé” Osonenca Association. [Vic]
The aim of this project was to develop participants' creative and artistic skills through activities related to rugby, offering opportunities for training and education for children and young people, and contributing to the distribution of this sport, and by extension, of other minor sports. It consisted mainly of workshops, adapting to each group's constraints and opportunities, and alternating sports and creative activities for boys and girls of South Osona municipalities.
Publicitador. Irune Jiménez González, Dimas Enrique Agudo Carrasco, Marta Raventós Moix.
A proposal which offered sporting groups an opportunity to publicise their activities through the internet, by providing instructions for the construction of a broadcast device. Publicising these activities fosters social relationships and promotes the status of regional sporting networks by bringing new practices to light. The project was intended for anyone interested in sports, and the broadcasting device was built with the aim of distributing word of new activities.
b. Project bank
Un espacio deportivo para la superación de conflictos. Asociación Almería Acoge.
La Liga de los olvidados. Pedro Jiménez, José Luis Tirado.
Sabadell PCV. Ajuntament de Sabadell
c. Honourable mentions
Juventus. José Jurado.
Barreras Invisibles. Ana Busto.
Morir de amor aquí. Marta Galán. TRANSlab. de intervenciones escenicas contextuales.
Ilímit. Asociación ACNE.
GOIAN. Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Exposición juegos del mundo. Diputación de Barcelona.
Torneo Passión. Fur Alle Falle. Collective formed by Iñaki López and Vanesa Castro.
Consejo Superior de Deportes + Idensitat Sport, arts and social inclusion. Call for projects
The Consejo Superior de Deportes [CSD] (Sports Council) in collaboration with Idensitat [iD #6] announces a call for interdisciplinary projects promoting the relationship between sport and the social, cultural and creative areas.
We are witnessing the development of what might be considered as a “field” of social commitment in sports that did not exist until just a few years ago. This commitment takes on, as a main feature, topics of social exclusion as well as the integration of immigrant populations.
The increasing prominence of activities and sports projects directed at these sectors leads us to research experiences in what we might call " good practices " to build an archive as a resource for learning, debating, and to build relationships among sport, social interventions, and creative practices (art, design, architecture, etc.). We believe that sport interacting with these fields can support processes of social cohesion, especially when it helps to create places, or to strengthen already existing venues, where peer groups can meet and communicate.. In this way, sport can become an interesting source of social capital and an element for the creation of different social networks (contacts, friends, friendship, prestige, etc.).
Within creative practices, sport is often treated as circumstantial or thematic, but some examine certain social dynamics as a basis for work regarding relationships and shared creativity. Sport enhances these kinds of relationships and connections. Sports activities usually facilitate contact and relationships between individuals and groups of different backgrounds without the protocols demanded in other types of activities. Bringing both aspects together, we believe, can help develop projects to stimulate social creativity and an exchange of values particular to every field of action in certain local contexts .
The aim of this call for projects is to identify existing work, to generate an archive of " good practices ", disseminate them, and to support the creation of new experiences which connect sport to other disciplines. The call is aimed at the wide range of organisers, creators and cultural agents who operate throughout Spain.
Types of Projects at which this call is aimed
1-Projects about physical activity and sports promoted by organisations, associations, sports clubs, local councils, regional councils, autonomic goverments mainly concerned with social inclusion as well as social intervention through sport in disadvantaged zones.
2-Creative projects proceeding from different disciplines (artists, architects, designers, etc.) that organise or promote projects based on sporting subjects and with special orientation towards social questions.
3-Hybrid projects arising from the relationship between creators and organisations, sports clubs, social educators, etc.; proposing collaborative work and concerning subjects of inclusion or social intervention through this relationship between creativity and sport.
Proposals can be submited for the following awards:
1.Project bank
Call for projects in progress or already finished. The projects selected will be part of an archive or project bank with the aim to disseminate them, and make them accessible. All selected projects will receive an honourable mention by the Consejo Superior de Deportes and Idensitat. In addition three projects selected for their contribution of distinctive and innovating features will be awarded with 1.000 Euros .
2- Project laboratory
Call for unpublished projects in which sport is the main thread, or an important part in its methodology of intervention. These projects must provide answers to problems related to social inclusion in different urban contexts, raising questions, detecting conflicts, proposing strategies of negotiation or of participation through sport. Projects that can be realised in the medium-short term and sharing production through workshops, preferably in collaboration with local organizations. All selected projects will receive an honourable mention from the Consejo Superior de Deporte and some will be selected to be awarded a maximum of 8.000 Euros (subject to tax deductions) each toward their production in 2011. The budget should designate a maximum of 1.500 euros to artist fees and 6.500 euros to production. Transportation and accomodation costs will not be inlcuded in the production costs. Management of the production will be coordinated by the organization. Proposals for both awards can refer to any Spanish city and participation is open to any nationality.
Selection committee
Marta Carranza Gil-Dolz del Castellar. Deputy general director of sports promotion and Paralympic sport. Consejo Superior de deportes.
Santiago Cirugeda. Architect. Projects of collective action and international cooperation.
Carmen Guerrero. Journalist. Cabinet advisor of the Secretary of State-President of the Consejo Superior de deportes.
Gaspar Maza. Anthropologist. Coordinator of the group of sports and social inclusion -Plan A+D. Consejo Superior de deportes.
Ramon Parramon. Artist. Director of IDENSITAT. Director of ACVic, Centre d'Arts Contemporànies.
Autonomous display devices
C.SD and ID will support in various ways the presentation and dissemination of projects according to the characteristics of different productions. This includes enhancing specific presentation methods such as interventions in public space, exhibitions, publications, etc. Thus different display concepts will be used to give visibility to suitable projects. An exhibition is planned to showcase all selected projects.
Communication strategies
The communication, broadcast and interpretation of the different projects will be realised through a Website, which will be permanently updated with information about the projects, their progress and all their activities. Specific content such as texts, images or video, will be provided.
Proposals submission
The proposals must be sent in digital format to:
Closing date for presentation of proposals 15th October 2010.
Project bank : requirements
- Written document setting out the basic outline of the project and its aims. (5.000 characters máx.)
- Images and texts on the project and references to the context in which was located. (5.000 characters maximum and 10 images.)
- Curriculum of the members of the project specifying a representative in the case of a collective.
- Contact details (name, telephone, e-mail and postal direction).
Project laboratory: requirements
- Written document setting out the basic outline of the project. (5.000 characters máx.). The proposals must specify the city where the project will be developed.
- A maximum of 10 images to help illustrate the project's content.
- Curriculum of the members of the project specifying a representative in the case of a collective.
- Contact details (name, telephone, e-mail and postal direction).
The selected works and the corresponding projects are the property of the author or authors. The authors will guarantee that their projects are original and in case of using images these projects, the rights of third parties will not be prejudiced.
The authors will allow the reproduction of their projects' material in different publications promoted by CSD and IDENSITAT, to be used in their websites and in other spaces related to the diffusion of the programme.
CSD and Idensitat may use, mentioning authorship and without economic consideration, materials from the selected projects which may be considered suitable for the promotion of the call for projects, as well as other activities with no commercial purpose.
CSD and IDENSITAT will incorporate in their information archive all documentation generated for this programme
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