SPORT iD 2012 | PLUS] CABANYAL: A Common Victory, by Coordinadora d'Iniciatives Veïnals (La CIV)
Sports Council + Department of Culture + Government of Catalonia
For the 2nd Open Call for Projects on Sport, Art and Social Inclusion, the Coordinadora d'Iniciatives Veïnals (La CIV) developed the project PL(US) CABANYAL: A COMMON VICTORY, a project aimed at improving community in the area of El Cabanyal (Valencia), through a process community project and a sports weekend.
The project, developed through 2012 by La Coordinadora de Iniciatives Veïnals (La CIV) in collaboration with district bodies, aims to use sport as a tool to strengthen and revitalise the locality. CIV organised a sports day to complement the mediation work of locals, local associations and/or collectives. The sports weekend, with the support of Levante UD Football Club, included competitionswith deep roots in the district, such as “buttons football”, fencing and traditional games, such as ball games and informal running competitions. These activities were complemented with an exhibition to raise awareness and to strengthen cohesion and a sense of common identity among district residents.
In preparation for this day, LA CIV organised a participatory workshop September 2012, in which various associations and collectives from Cabanyal took part and organised the sporting weekend, which took place on November 2012, collaboratively.
More information on this proposal on Facebook ( and on the blog of La Coordinadora de Iniciatives Veïnals (
PL(US) CABANYAL: Participatory workshop 1
The first of the project's participatory workshops took place on Saturday September 29. The participants of this first session were: Salvem el Cabanyal, A.V. El Cabanyal, ACIPMAR, Ateneu del Cabanyal, Grup d'escacs Ateneu, Assamblea de pobles de la mar, CSU and Letra Salvaje. The workshop consisted of mapping -together with local activists- different games and sports practised in El Cabanyal, and creating a fluxogram of ideas and relationships.
PL(US) CABANYAL: Participatory workshop 2
The second workshop took place on Saturday September 6. On this occasion, participants were: Salvem el Cabanyal, 15m, Col·legi Santiago Apóstol, Club d´Esgrima, Gup d´Escacs Ateneu, Felip Bens/Oronella, Letra Salvaje, CSU and Ass. contra Desallotjaments. The aim was to generate, collectivelly, proposals for the sports weekend, a system was developed and three different lines of action were clearly defined:
1- Exhibition on public space about sports and traditional games.
2- An activity which involved mobility around the area.
3- Mapping of sporting practices around the area.
Finally, the collective decision was to celebrate the sports weekend on November 24th and 25th 2012.
Sports Weekend PL(US) CABANYAL: Public Space, Sports and Community
Informative Sessions and Mapping Workshop.
At CP Santiago Apóstol school, with primary school pupils of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th years, ESO pupils and parents.
DEBATE: Public Space, Sports and community in Cabanyal-Canyamelar-Cap de França.
Participants: Ramon Parramon (Director of ACVic. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies and Director of Idensitat) y Gaspar Maza (Anthropologist, professor at URV), both co-directors of the 2nd Open Call for Projects on Arts, Sports and Social Inclusion, and David Estal(Architect, La CIV).
Moderator: Lluís Benlloch (Sociologist, La CIV)
Sports and traditional games: Chess, Buttons football, Traditional games, ball games or fencing.
PL[US] Cabanyal is part of iD Sport 2012 [Sport, Art and Social Inclusion]. IDENSITAT and the Sports Council. With the support of the Departament de Cultura. Generalitat de Catalunya.