Activities part of the Collective Architectures Meeting 2014 in various locations throughout the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
Friday 11th July. Guided tour of different zombie spaces generated by urban processes on the banks of the River Besòs. Zombie Spaces is a project of analysis and promotion of collective proposals within a specific area, which, by the confluence of several complex and often unrelated circumstances, define a landscape which is put together in an ill-fitting way. Idensitat is conducting this project as an exploratory programme regarding urban areas undergoing a process of zombification.
When: July 11th from 11 am to 2pm
Location: 11 am Metro Gorg (Badalona) 1 pm Three Chimneys Sant Adrià. Visiting river spaces San Adrián/ Barcelona / Santa Coloma
Lunch and closing festival of the meeting of Collective Architectures
This closing festival of BCN 2014 AACC meeting will showcase mobile devices, present a narrated summary -Ordinay Cartographies- of the week's activities at AACC, and will feature various musical performances.
Showcase Mobile Devices
Device Barri Sant Roc. Escola Pau Gargallo, Badalona
Device In/Out. Makea - Idensitat - Recreant Cruïlles - Elisava, Barcelona
Device Raons Públiques. Raons Públiques, Barcelona
Los exploradores del tiempo. Escola Sant Martí a Prototips en codi obert, Barcelona
Motocarro. Domènec - Idensitat, Manresa
Music Banner/Tank Cocina. Todo por la Praxis - Idensitat, Madrid
Lanscape Mobil Unity. Estudi Mixité (Marta Carrasco i Sergi Selvas), Manresa
Mini. ADesk + Eina, Barcelona
Atlas Project. Col·lectiu Atlas - Idensitat, Germanetes, Barcelona
Wikitankers. Straddle3 - Todo por la Praxis - ACVic
Word Space. Idensitat - Raúl Nieves
When: July 13th from 12 pm to 7 pm
Location: Can Peixauet Dome
Access to the full programme of Collective Architectures "La ciutat no es ven, es viu" Bacelona 2014 http://arquitecturascolectivas.net/bcn2014