Year/s: 1989, 2014
Project title: Todos juntos podemos parar el sida
Year/s: 1993-1997
Project title: Tallers Oberts Ciutat Vella
Year/s: 1989, 2014
Project title: Todos juntos podemos parar el sida
Year/s: 1988
Project title: Passatges
Year/s: 2006
Project title: Terme Raval
Year/s: 2010
Project title: Taller Traces of Autism
Year/s: 2012
Project title: Mapeo colectivo en el Raval
Year/s: 2005
Project title: Street action
Year/s: 2008
Project title: Sings of the City
Year/s: 2005-2009
Project title: REpensar Barcelona - REcuperar la Ciutat
Year/s: 2007
Project title: Recorridos. 1978-1983. (Walks, 1978-1983)
Year/s: 2010
Project title: Raval, la alegría del barrio
Year/s: 2008
Project title: Post it City
Year/s: 2014-2015
Project title: Nonument
Year/s: 2014
Project title: Taller de mapeo colectivo
Year/s: 2009
Project title: Màcula. La vida en blanc
Year/s: 2014
Project title: Le Camion de Zahïa. Conversations après le paradis perdu
Year/s: 2013-2014
Project title: Jo faig el carrer. Joan Colom
Year/s: 2010
Project title: Interrupcions. 10 anys, 1.340 metres
Year/s: 2012
Project title: El Raval al Raval. Imatges d'un barri.
Year/s: 2011
Project title: El Raval
Year/s: 2011
Project title: Desde mi balcón: Espacio público: rutinas, pluralidad y democracia
Year/s: 2014-2015
Project title: Car je est un autre
Year/s: 2004
Project title: Captura el Raval
Year/s: 2013-2015
Project title: BioBui(L)t-Txema
Year/s: 2012
Project title: Artesans
Year/s: 2012-2015
Project title: Arquitectes de Capçalera
Year/s: 2009-2010
Project title: Al final de la Rambla
Year/s: 2014
Project title: 14J. Acció el CIE: Portem el CIE al centre
Year/s: 2002-2005
Project title: 22a
Year/s: Started 2002
Project title: Col·lectiu Cruïlles
Year/s: 2010-2011
Project title: Tornem a la Rambla
Year/s: Started 2012
Project title: Espai Contrabandos
Year/s: 2006-2010
Project title: Espai Social Magdalenes
Year/s: 2002-2007
Project title: CSOA Ruina Amalia
Year/s: Started 1993
Project title: RAI
Year/s: Started 2013
Project title: La Negreta
Year/s: Started 1991
Project title: TV Ciutat Vella
Year/s: Reopening 2007
Project title:Teatre del Raval
Year/s: Started 1988
Project title: Ca la Dona
Year/s: Started 1987
Project title: El Lokal
Year/s: Started 2014
Project title: Som Paral·lel
Year/s: Started 2014
Project title: Migrarte
Year/s: Started 1992
Project title: Comparsa Disbauxa
Year/s: Started2004
Project title: Espai de l'Inmigrant
Year/s: Started FTR 2002
Project title: Raval Comunitari- Xarxa
Year/s: AET from 1984 // CET from 2013
Project title: Ecogo
Year/s: Started 2011
Project title: Roig 21
Year/s: Started 2004
Project title: Recuperem l'Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular
Year/s: Started 2009
Project title: Hort del Xino
Year/s: Started 2009
Project title:Espai Setba
Year/s: Started 2013
Project title: Fem Plaça!
Year/s: Started 1989
Project title: Radio CIutat Vella
Year/s: Started 2004
Project title: Ravalstoltada
Year/s: Started 2012
Project title: Fleadonia
Year/s: Started 1983
Project title: Casal dels Infants per l'acció social als barris
Year/s: Started 2000
Project title:Teatre Pa'tothom
Year/s: Started during the 2004-2005 course
Project title: Xamfrà, Centre de Música i Escena del Raval
Year/s: 2014
Project title: Mapa Nikosiano
Year/s: Started 1975
Project title: Casa -Taller de Marionetas de Pepe Otal
Project title: PeriòdicEl Raval
Year/s: Beginning 1994
Year/s: 2003 - 2008
Project title: El solar per al Barri
Year/s: Started 2000
Project title: Periòdic Masala
Year/s: Started2014
Project title: La Ravala
Year/s: From 2006 to 2009
Project title: Krax. Raval
Year/s: Started 2002 (ongoing)
Project title: XER. Xarxa Educativa del Raval
Year/s: Started 2004 (ongoing)
Project title: Ravalmedia
Year/s: Started 2009 (ongoing)
Project title: Mediateca del Raval
Year/s: Started 1996 (ongoing)
Project title: Projecte Infància Raval
Year/s: Started 1992 (ongoing)
Project title: Joves del Teb
Year/s: Started2013 (ongoing)
Project title: Senyalem la memòria. Treball invisible
Year/s: 1994 - 2007
Project title: Ateneu del Xino
Year/s: Started 2014 (ongoing)
Project title: Agora Juan Andrés Benítez
Year/s: Started 1998/2000 with the project La Ciutat de les Paraules
Project title: AlmaZen