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Year/s: Started 1996 (ongoing)
Project title: Projecte Infància Raval

Organisers: Fundació Centre Obert Joan Salvador Gavina. // Fundació Social del Raval. // Casal dels Infants per l'acció social als barris. // Centre Obert Casal Infantil Estel d'Assís. // Casal Infantil Drassanes.
Collaborations:Punt Òmnia – Espai Tecnològic
Project type: Social, educational, leisure
Main subject: Children's participation in district life and activities
Key concepts: children's activities, values-based education, childhood

Coordinated by the Cap de Zona de Serveis Personals del barri del Raval, Ciutat Vella District, from Barcelona City Council. Project Infància Raval began in September 1996, with an association of district organisations with remits to deal with children's issues (in the 3 to 12 year old age bands), to carry out various joint activities, such as workshops, field-trips, playgroups and other participatory activities, with common objectives.


Ref: #004

004 01
004 02
004 03
004 04


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