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Year/s: Started 2012
Project title: Espai Contrabandos

Organisers: Associació d'editors independents de llibre polític Contrabandos
Collaborations: Writers, educators, users
Kind of project: Space for political thought and debate
Main subject: Independent publishing, political books
Key concepts: Reflection, political movements, social movements, activism

Espai Contrabandos
is a bookshop and meeting space, promoting books of political thought and independent publishing, a place where everyone is welcome, starting with the neighbourhood, publishers, activists, academics, social movements and political organisations. Publishers from all over Spainhave joined together to promote their books with activities, and to provide a space for political and social movements: Icaria Editorial, Txalaparta, Edicions Bellaterra, El Viejo Topo, Editorial Hiru, Laertes, La Oveja Roja, En Clave de Libros, Libros en Acción, Montesinos, Ned Ediciones, Ediciones del Oriente y del Mediterráneo, Octaedro Editorial, Editorial Proteus, Tierra de nadie ediciones.Pol∙len Edicions manages the space.

Espai Contrabandos space offers a regular programme of activities (presentations, reading groups, reading routes, rest and reading areas and political windows displays, etc.). Espai Contrabandos is willing to give space over for the needs of other collectives. "

+info: web1 web2

Ref: #048

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Photo: Contrabandos

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