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Year/s: 2002-2005
Project title: 22a

Organisers: Dolors Ferrer, Miquel Valdesquin, Cristoph Hafner, Tono Framis, Toni Giró , Àlex Mitrani, Eduard Pèrez Soler, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Paula Jimenez de Parga, Gaspar Burón, Art Larson, Pep Dardanya, Blanca Navas
Collaborations: Artistic project /  curatorial project
Kind of project:
Activism, public space, urban intervention, institutional critique, self-management
Main subject: Migration, use spaces, institution, media sphere, relational art
Key concepts:
22a (ed.), Space Invaders. Intervencions artístiques a Barcelona, Al Limit, 2004

22a, founded in 1995 in an industrial building in Poblenou, was a non-profit organisation formed by a group of artists and critics in order to promote contemporary art projects. In 2002, having left the industrial building in PobleNou, and latterly another space in Poblesec, 22a started the project Space Invaders. This last phase of the organisation was dedicated to revising the relationship between the art object and the institutional system of art, by producing artistic projects in unconventional art spaces, such as the activities planned in Pis Compartit (Shared Flat), an apartment in Ferran Street, or the public space interventions developed in the area of Ciutat Vella, such as B-27 Target del Gos, Futureland by Connie Mendoza, or Hangueando, Diaris amb potes de Raymond Chavez. In many cases, an advertising billboard at the top of the Ramblas in Barcelona functioned as a point of information for their respective actions.

+ info: 22a (ed.), Space Invaders. Intervencions artístiques a Barcelona, Al Limit, 2004

Ref A016

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Photo Futureland de Connie Mendoza, Copper Edition

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