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Year/s: 2014
Project title: 14J. Acció el CIE: Portem el CIE al centre

Organisers:Campaña Tanquem els CIEs de BARCELONA
Collaborations/Institution: Unitat Contra el Feixisme i el Racisme, de Migrastudium, de la Comissió de Defensa de l'ICAB, de l'Espai de l'Immigrant, de la Coordinadora per la Prevenció de la Tortura i de la CampAñoa Desobediència 2014, Colectivo Atlas.
Kind of project:
Artistic project
Main subject: activism, urban intervention, social movements, architecture
Key concepts:
visibility, reconstruction plan, human rights, closure, regulation, violence

The idea behind the action 14J : Portem el CIE al centre, was to call attention to the immigrant detention centres (CIEs), often located far from the city centre and out of public sight, by reconstructing a centre of these characteristics in the Plaça dels Angels (Barcelona's cultural epicentre).
This reconstruction demonstrates what a CIE is, both on the structural and the operational levels, in its day to day running, where human rights breaches are systematic; internment for administrative reasons, regulation of inmates' daily lives, inhumane treatment and violence against inmates, among other abuses. (Source: Tanquem els CIES).

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Ref A048

AA048 01
AA048 02
AA048 03

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