Year/s: 2012-2015
Project title: Arquitectes de Capçalera
Organisers: bopbaa Estudio
Collaborations: Tot Raval, Vivenda i Ciutat
Kind of project: Artistic project
Main subject: architecture, design, urban planning, medicine, university
Key concepts: head architect, building global, community, housing, income, city
Arquitectes de Capçalera (or Architects On Call, using a phrase from Catalan more usually associated with doctors available for home visits) instituted a series of consultative sessions on architecture open to all citizens, emerging as an initiative in 2013 during the course of Housing and City with the clear aim of bringing the university to society at large while, at the same time, making architecture more visible and understandable. Learning about the physical and social environment of the urban fabric seems like a good strategy prior to any architectural intervention. The proximity of end-users and their direct relationship with the students proved to be a useful and enriching activity for everyone concerned. The entire collective intervention acquired more sense within the buildings when consultations took place, where possible improvements within each unit of housing could then be related to the building as a whole. From this intermediate position, combining the three apparently disparate concepts of the city, the building and housing, links could then be made to more specific (housing) or more general (urban) issues. (Source: Habitatge I ciutat).
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Ref A043