Year/s: 2013-2015
Project title: BioBui(L)t-Txema
Organisers: BAM Bioarquitectura Mediterràni
Collaborations: Sitesize, Olab, Labs, Meridiano70yMedio, ESFA, Xarxa de Construcció amb Palla, Permacultura Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona (Pla de Buits)
Kind of project: Artistic project
Main subject: reuse, collectivization, self, participation, crowdfunding
The aim of this project was to generate a fully compostable and/or reusable building (made of, for example, straw, earth, wood), a self-built example of collective design developed after 3 years of training, discussion and creation, learning and teaching the lesson that another way of building and experiencing public space and construction is possible. As a participatory process, in addition to workshops and debate activities, a crowdfunding campaign to help in the development the project was started up. (Source: BAM).
+ info:
Ref A047