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Year/s: 2010
Project title: Interrupcions. 10 anys, 1.340 metres

Organisers: Doménec
Collaborations: Arts Santa Mónica, Pilar Bonet and Maia Creus (curator)
Kind of project:
Artistic project
Main subject: literature, medicine, architecture, urban planning, public space
Key concepts: f
issure, tuberculosis dispensary, republic, GATCPAC, social change, hospital, working class

In 1924, Joan Salvat-Papasseit, poet and revolutionary, died of tuberculosis at the age of thirty in his dark and damp flat at Argenteria Street (Barri Gotic). Ten years later, in 1934, during the Republic, members of GATCPAC (the Catalan progressive architects' movement) were commissioned by the Generalitat, the semi-autonomous Catalan governing body, to design the first tuberculosis clinic (1934-1938) in the Raval district as part of the programme of socialisation of hospital care and the fight against tuberculosis, an action which formed part of the regeneration project to improve the living conditions of the working classes, and an attempt which was, however, violently aborted in 1939 with the victory of fascism.

The 10-year rift between the poet's death and the beginnings of the clinic becomes a metaphor for the tragic distance between desires and dreams, and the possibility, always a precarious possibility, of putting them into practice. In a completely white room is a large table. On the table are two wooden models: a model of the house in Argenteria street in which Salvat-Papasseit died, and a model of the Dispensari Antituberculós del Raval, situated as isolated pieces on each end of the large table, emphasising this fissure. (Source: Domenec)

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Ref A055

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