Year/s: 2014-2015
Project title: Nonument
Organisers: Josep Bohigas and Bartomeu Marí (curators). Antoni Arola, Daniela Ortiz, Rogelio López Cuenca and Elo Vega (artists).
Collaborations: MACBA
Kind of project: exhibition
Main subject: public space, urban planning, architecture, design
Key concepts: monument, event, celebration, city, aesthetics
Nonument was a project in whichthe MACBA invited 28 artists to reflect upon how artistic practices mightimpact in the present day upon the problematic linkages between events, commemoration, aesthetics and the city. The result is a set of unprecedentedproposals, conceivedspecifically for this exhibition, in which various artistic languages reinterpret the tradition of the monument. Works by Antoni Arola (L'escala), Daniela Ortiz (contestació), Rogelio López Cuenca i Elo Vega (Projecte Quilombo / 1: Antonio López), among others, were developed within the specific context of the Ciutat Vella. (Source: MACBA).
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Ref A051