Year/s: 2008
Project title: Sings of the City
Organisers: Artibarri Network, Javier Rodrigo, Pamela Gallo, Javier Oliden
Collaborations: Casal dels Infants del Raval, Hangar, Teleduca, Asociación per a joves Teb, Kasal de joves de Roquetes, Consorci de la Mina/Espai Jove, Ubu TV, Haus der Kulturen der Welt: HKW, Watermans, Centre of Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths College, Goethe Institut
Kind of project: artistic project
Main subject: workshops, urban interventions, urban planning, new media, public space
Key concepts: sign inventory visual, interactive file, the other city groups, social dialogue
Signs of the city - Metropolis Speaking is a project of 15 months that explored the signs of European city, building a visual inventory of four representative cities through the use of digital photography and new media. Professional artists worked with young people from Berlin, London, Sofia and Barcelona to generate an inventive online database, an interactive and contemporary archive, free to access and use: The project launched a comparative study of the systems of signs of "the other" (European city, neighbourhood, social groups) inciting us to maintain a dialogue on these different levels.
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