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Year/s: 2012
Project title: Mapeo colectivo en el Raval

Organisers: info080k
Collaborations: Iconoclasistas, Taller de Defensa del Raval (Assemblea de Vivenda del 15M)
Kind of project:
artistic project
Main subject:
activism, housing, urban planning, participatory mapping, public space
Key concepts:
maps, icons, tourism, police harassment, noise, urban corruption, mobbing

Taking advantage of aparticular neighbourhood activity (an exchange market), we sat at a table with maps, icons and other materials. We plannedout two maps, one representingspecific cases of housing, and the other representing a general perception of the neighbourhood (tourism, police harassment, noise, corruption in urban planning, public space issues, among others). Some residents did not understand the latter of the two maps very clearly at first, because it was the more abstract, but afterchatting with them about it for a while, people began to show a bit of inspiration. There were some brilliant answers, and high spirits. The mapping seemed to go down well, and we met some people who were interested in repeating the experience in the Raval and other neighbourhoods. (Source: info080k)

 + info:

Ref A040

AA040 01
AA040 02
AA040 04


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